WORKSHOP - WLED Pixel Controller - $35.00 (Wrap Up)

sounds good! ty

For anyone still interested in attending a WLED pixel controller workshop I`m planning two more…
One on Thursday evening (Feb 2) from 7-9 PM and another on Saturday morning (Feb 4) from 9-11 AM…
To attend a workshop do the following:

    • Send me the $35 fee via eTransfer to (
    • Confirm what date you would like to attend

Here is the build guide you will be following (I`ll have printed copies at the workshop)
VHS ESPixelPOP WLED Kit Guide Jan 2023.pdf (3.6 MB)



Just to wrap up this round of workshops…
I hope you all enjoyed yourself…
I had over 20 participants over 6 separate days…
5$ of each kit ($10 for non-members) was for the Space so collectively the participants have donated $130 to the Space (eTransfered to the directors email)…

I just got some more LED strips so can potentially do more workshops if there is any interest…


Hey @packetbob am trying to work out the password for Oscar’s do-hickey. The SSID is WLED-AP-10 I tried wled1234 and 12345678. Sorry to bug you with trivia, was thinking it might be useful to have it in this thread for others that hit the same problem. Thanks.

WLED-AP-10 (Same as the SSID)

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For the workshop I preloaded on the firmware and the PW is the same as the SSID…

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