Awesome - thanks for doing this @Metal_Janet! Please add me to the wait list too!
I’d also like to join the waitlist
Ok… as we work on refining the course, it’s become apparent that this won’t fit into a 90 minute time slot, so I’d like to propose bumping it up to two hours, moving everybody’s start times a bit earlier in the day so that we can all be home for dinner ish.
Please have a look at the new proposed times, and let me know whether or not it will work for you.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
10:00 am: @hendryc
12 noon: @DeNomad
2:00 pm: @TimothyKonrad
4:00 pm: @rsim
Sunday, October 11, 2020
10:00 am @Cantina_Dude
12:00 noon @lukecyca
2:00 pm: @elizabot
4:00 pm:
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Ok, I’ve updated the schedule to reflect the longer workshop duration. If everyone on this list could confirm the new times will work that would be great.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
10:00 am: @hendryc**
12 noon: @DeNomad*
2:00 pm: @TimothyKonrad
4:00 pm: @rsim
Sunday, October 11, 2020
10:00 am: @Brian_Stubbs*
12 noon: @lukecyca*
2:00 pm: @elizabot*
4:00 pm:
I’m going to bow out of the 10:00 am time slot on Sunday, October 11, so it’s up for grabs. The first priority person on the waitlist is @Lantana, so please let me know if you’d like that slot. If not, I’ll move along down the rest of the waitlist in order and find someone to fill that time slot.
Yes, it’s fine, thanks.
Perfect thanks!
Huge thanks to Janet for the class - we did aluminium tig! Next stop, KMS…
Ok, a couple updates to @Metal_Janet’s welding workshop schedule, including the addition of sessions on October 18 and 25! I haven’t heard from @Lantana regarding the 10:00 am slot on October 11, so I’ve booked @Brian_Stubbs in there now. If your name is on the waitlist, please let me know which of the available timeslots you would like to book and I’ll mark you down. Past that, anyone else interested in doing the workshop should speak up with preferred dates/times.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
10:00 am: @Brian_Stubbs
12 noon: @lukecyca
2:00 pm: @elizabot
4:00 pm:
Sunday, October 18, 2020
10:00 am: @Cantina_Dude
12 noon: @packetbob
2:00 pm: @Lantana
4:00 pm: @Gavitron
Sunday, October 25, 2020
10:00 am: @DanG
12 noon: @Ashbash43
2:00 pm: @Sage
4:00 pm: @TristanL
Hi @Cantina_Dude
Not sure if there is any availability on the 25th anymore, but I would be super interested. I can make anytime work on the 25th.
I just wanted to thank @Metal_Janet for an excellent course, and provide some public feedback, that this was exactly the type of class/workshop I needed to feel comfortable around the VHS metal shop. Thanks again for volunteering your time to help us all wrangle angry pixes!
I’ll take 2:00 on Sunday if it’s still available
Really… Thanks
OK, I’m going to add another day or two… @Cantina_Dude I can handle the booking now, since I’ve got the bandwidth for it now that the course is basically developed… thanks for all of your help thus far.
Right now we’ve got @SeanPo @leocollares and @mike all looking for a slot… If at least two people want a slot on the 1st I’ll open up lessons for the 1st and the 8th; if not, I’ll just book for the 8th.
Another thing: if you want TIG lessons, please let me know when you book it, and let me know if you’re looking to go straight to aluminum; that way I can make sure I have the appropriate stuff.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
10:00 am: @leocollares
12 noon: @mike
2:00 pm: @ryder
4:00 pm: @Goatwind
Sunday, November 8, 2020
10:00 am: @LincolnK
12 noon: @Noah
2:00 pm: @Aphex
4:00 pm: Claire
I’d love a slot on the 1st, but if you prefer I’m also available on the 8th. Any of those times work (with preference to the earlier ones).
@Metal_Janet please put my name on 10am as we talked before, and I got returned on that appointment. Now can be either Nov 1 or 8.