VHS Group projects - Mini cup cake cars

Continuing the discussion from Maker Faire 2016 - Group projects:

I have always wanted to make a bunch of Cup Cake Cars


They can be as simple as a tricycle with a CNC cut top placed ontop of them.
It would be super fun to have a bunch of these roaming around Maker Faire.

Yes!!! I have always wanted to do this as well. @Funvill count me in!

I have a single powered hub wheel, and I believe the controllers. I would
be willing to donate them to the cause (and possibly help get them
working), conditional on this project showing progress first.


designing for portability seems to be a good way to go (i.e. can fit in car for long distance travel)

I know it will impact my time to get other projects finished I can’t help but say I’m in…

I have yet to look through the links but a standard plan that we can all follow for the base (with the ability to make them powered in the future) may make things easier…

If we have enough perhaps a “musical ride” at VMMF…


It all strikes me that remote controlled minature cupcakes would be pretty

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Love it, Expanded on the idea in this topic

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Since I saw this I keep coming back to the idea of getting in touch with the band and doing a project to display with them. Instead of [or in addition to] cupcake cars, we could do giant glasses of root beer a la mode. Then when people ask why we can look hem dead in the eye and say

“every parade needs a few floats”