VHS group projects - Autonomous Vehicle Competition

Continuing the discussion from Maker Faire 2016 - Group projects:

The Autonomous Vehicle Competition that Spark fun does every year would be amazing to enter. I know a thing or two about automation and cource tracking, @rsim and @jon both have some past experience with RC cards/planes/etc… We have a few CV guys/girls at VHS. We could do a series of workshops over the year to get a bunch of our members cars ready for next year.


This would be awesome. I’d be in.

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I’m in

Absolutely in! I’ve been wanting to do an AVC for ages.

I already know what I’m going to make. muahahahahahaha

I expaned on this idea a little in this topic,

I think this idea stands on its own I would love to sit down and talk about this more at VHS in July.