Tour Requests from Non-members (or new members!)

Two things:
A) congratulations @Phillip_Ma on being the 1000th post in this thread! Feel free for the rest of the day to boast about this accomplishment to any deli counter staff for a discount on Genoa salami :smiley:

B) I’ll do my best to be down at the space tomorrow to be available to point at things


I am a previous member of Makerlabs that is trying to become a member of Vancouver Hack Space. I am available at pretty much any time at the moment for a tour, if anyone is willing to hold one just reach out and I’ll probably be able to make it. I’d also love to sign the liability waiver then!

(Edit, I’m seeing lots of mentions of 4:30 to 9pm drop-bys tomorrow on tuesday. I’ll try to pop by then!)



I would love to come visit. I am considering a membership ( would my project fit your space).
I see you have a regular evening on Tuesdays, this would work well.
I know one member for sure, Philip Ma, whom I previously worked with if that helps.

Thank you


I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make it tonight. Will anyone be there tomorrow (Wed) evening?

Hi Andy, I have open hours tomorrow (Sunday) from 2-5pm if that happens to work for you.

Hi I’m looking to do a walkthrough. any time today (Sunday, Feb 25, 2024). else anytime after 5 PM in the week. Cheers,

Hi, I’m new to Vancouver and looking to experiment with wearble tech. I’m available weekdays after 5pm and anytime weekends. Let me know if we can schedule a tour. Cheers!

Hi Lance - I can give you a tour if you can get here before 5pm :slight_smile:

(apologies for the short notice)

Hello, I am also interested in wearable tech!

I will be here for the next couple of hours, happy to chat if you can make it here. If not, we have a regular open night on Tuesday - if you come by between 5pm and 8pm somebody should be able to show you around.

Hey awesome. I’m heading over now. I’ll get there before 5. :slight_smile:

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Hello! I would love a tour of the space (pending new member)!
Free tomorrow afternoon/early evening, or Wednesday evening, or Friday afternoon/early evening!

Sorry I missed it. Tuesday sounds great though. Will see you around to chat more :slight_smile:

Hi @vvnbrthwt I can give you a tour on Friday evening at around 5:30. I’ll have to dip out to give somebody a welding lesson at 6 pm, but you’ll be welcome to hang around and explore.

Hi, I’ll see you around 6pm in the evening? Let me know if you’d like to reschedule :slight_smile:

Hi folks, I was going to pop along this evening at about 6pm to say Hi and find out more about the space. Is the usual Tuesday evening slot still ok to drop in?

Hi! I got to tour the place during the last art crawl. What time slots are available for non-members these days? I would love to see the place and meet other members during normal operation.


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Hi @cfmjohn and @CaptainMurphy sorry to see this a little late for this Tuesday (the 27th), but yes, Tuesday evenings are a good time to come down for a tour, and so are Fridays from 6 to 9 pm.

Fantastic. I would love to come by this Friday then. :slight_smile:

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Hail squishface! Dont forget that VHS is open for non members every Tuesday, only mailbox heads from pod 6 aren’t welcome!


Pod six… Ha!