Tour Requests from Non-members (or new members!)

Hi @JustinPMc I’ll be hosting open hours on Friday evening, drop by any time between 6 and 9 pm and I can give you a tour.

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Hi all, I cannot find the thread to ask for a tour, for “members” so posting here. New member here only a few days ago but was at the Culture Crawl last night… and hoping someone can give me the tour on this coming Tuesday evening Nov. 21 anytime mid evening. Thanks.


Hi Steve,
Great to have you at VHS! Feel free to come in for open night this Tuesday anytime between 4 and 9pm. It’s great you checked out the space last night at the crawl. Tuesday will be good as everything will be back in place and it’ll be easier to meet other members as it won’t be so busy!
Cheers Janet


Thanks Janet. Do I ask someone there to give me the tour and sign the waiver? I can’t figure this one out but one step at a time :slight_smile:


Hi Steve, I am one of the artists and I can give you a tour of it’s not too busy or find someone who can. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, I guess I’ll just plan on going in around 7:30 and take it from there. Hope to meet you then!


Yes Steve don’t worry! We’re very informal and there is no need to sign up for a tour as a new member. We’ll get you to sign the waiver when you come in. Just let folks know you are a new member and you’d like a bit of a tour and intro.

Are you on slack yet? That’s a great way of connecting with other members and getting the lay of the land as well. To request an invite, once you get your login info, login to and scroll down to the request an invite section.


Edited post title for clarity.

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Would appreciate a tour on Nov 26 (this Sunday) anytime PM.
Thanks in advance,

Hi @TheBeast I can’t help you out on Sunday evening, as I will be otherwise booked, but I can give you a tour this Friday between 6 and 9 pm, if that would work for you also?

I will be at the space on Sunday - come by any time between 2pm and 5pm :slight_smile:

Thanks for responding! I think Eliza is able to help us!

Thank you Liz! We will be there around 3pm.

Hi there, is anyone able to provide a tour on a weekend day?

Hi @measureonce this Saturday is community cleanup day, so if you come down sometime around noon, there will definitely be someone around who can give you a tour.

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Ok, great! I’ll come by around noon.


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Hey Everyone!

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at woodworking for years now and this is my first step to actually doing it. I came by the space a few weeks ago during the Culture Crawl and found everything so fascinating.

Posting here to try and book a tour of the space, hoping someone could show me around. Is tonight too short notice??? If not, I can also do tomorrow (Tuesday) before 7pm or on Wednesday.

Let me know! Looking forward to meeting some new people and picking up a hobby I’ve been dying to try.


Hi @Grifyn_McErlean , it does look like tonight was too short of notice, but I can give you a tour tomorrow (Tuesday) in the late afternoon/early evening. Say 6 pm?

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Hey Janet, tomorrow is perfect. Thanks for reaching out, see you tomorrow.

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I would like to schedule a tour of VHS.
Is somebody around tomorrow Tuesday, Dec 12 sometime? I was told Tuesdays work well.

Many thanks!