Tour Requests from Non-members (or new members!)

Hi there, so cool to find this community workspace! I would love to get a tour some time in the evening 7? 8? before Sept 7th? I’m quite flexible though… if daytime is better :slight_smile: Thank you so much!!

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Hi @PhilippaG @Jta

I will be available to give you guys a tour this Friday at 7 pm. Just come to the space, ring the door bell and ask for Yeung

@OooShaSha I will be available this Friday at around 4pm, would that time be good for you? I would love to get an educator’s perspective on a space like ours.


Hi @OooShaSha in addition to @yeungx’s availablilty on Friday, I’ll be at the space between 3 pm and 5 pm today (Wednesday), and between 11 am and 5 pm on Friday. I will probably be in the back welding, so if I you don’t get an answer at the doorbell, please come around to the bay door at the back of the building.

Edit: dentist appointment went long, will be there after 3 pm today.

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Hi @yeungx and @Metal_Janet , thanks for your responses!
I’ll ring the doorbell this Friday at 4pm. Thanks so much and looking forward to checking it all out!

@yeungx Friday at 7pm would be great! Thank you and see you Friday!

Gordon Woods here, would love the opportunity to tour the facility and meet some of the members. Have a pretty open schedule for the next couple of weeks. Would prefer to have the tour during the month of September if at all possible.

Hey @PhilippaG

I wont be able to make it today. I am sorry. I will be at the space saturday from 12 to 3. Drop by then if you want. Thank you.

Hey, no probs! I’ll come down tomorrow around 1ish :slight_smile:

Hi @Gordonjw I will be at the space on Monday during the day, from about noon to 5 pm, if you’d like to come by then. If that doesn’t work, I will also be at the space on Friday between noon and 5. If these times don’t work, then we can figure something else out.

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Would it be ok for me to come with my mom in that time frame, too?

Hi all,

I am very interested to check out the facilities!

Would folks be available over the weekend or after hours on weekdays?

Hi @jonomon I will be at the space tomorrow (labour day Monday) from about noon to 5, if you would like to drop by then? If this doesn’t work, @yeungx usually has the space open and gives tours on Tuesday evenings.

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Thanks @Metal_Janet. I can get there at around 3 pm on Monday.


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Hi, I’d like to come for a tour some day/ evening in September. Would this be possible?


Hi There! I’m interested in a membership. Would someone be able to give me a tour sometime this week around 5-6pm?


Sorry for talking so long to reply. I really appreciate your prompt response. Would around 3pm on Friday work for you? If not we can arrange another time. Really looking forward to seeing the workspace.


Hi gord,

No worries at all. Friday 3pm works great for me! Roughly how long would the tour be?


I was thinking maybe 15-20 minutes maybe half an hour at the most. Just looking at tools, equipment, work stations and the like.

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Sorry for the inconvenience but I will be unable to visit today due to last minute unforeseen circumstances needing my attention. Would it be possible to reschedule the tour for sometime next week? That would be greatly appreciated. Can’t wait to visit the space.


Oh I think there was some confusion on my end, apologies! @Metal_Janet are you the one organizing tours? Is today at 3pm still alright for me?
