The Doughocracy - Sourdough Starter Requests, Results, & Bread Talk

Round two (three really, but I’m counting from zero like any good programmer), much better rise, but I had to cut my browning phase short due to obligations.


Wow!!! That looks so good.

Second loaf same batch seems better:


Wow! That is gorgeous!!! I’ve found the more you bake the stronger it is, just because the starter is getting lots of food/use. I think @TristanL bakes a couple of times a week and his bread looks great.

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Holy man you guys are making some amazing bread! To have these kind of results right off the bat is incredible, great job!


Is the starter supposed to be fed every day?
Since making the bread I have taken the left over starter and…
30g starter into a jar
30g water
30g white flour
mixed, covered and left out on the counter
next day took 30g starter added water & flour as above

Also wanted to add, while it was great to eat bread we made ourselves it is way easier to germinate/grow sprouts at home.

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I need to buy a mega bag of flour. What are people using to bake with? So far I’ve just been using Robin Hood unbleached all purpose, mostly because it was on sale. I plan on buying a giant bag of unbleached something …costco maybe?

I get it at Costco, works pretty well with a bit of gluten added. I’ve really tried finding a more unique source, but no one else sells 20kg bags. The only way to get 20kg of decent interesting flours is through distributors, so I even considered bribing my local bakery. I’m sure you could also walk into a warehouse of someone like snowcap and bribe them directly but haven’t gotten the chance. I’ll admit I’ve probably spent too much time thinking about this.

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I usually go with Costco, I was a bit sketched out with Robin Hood from that one time they had a recall (I did get sick)

Eeek - sorry to hear that. Time to mill our own flour.

there are now 3 people other than me at my work eating bread from this starter.


just curious. @TristanL. how long this starter has been going on?

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I’ve been using it for a couple years, and I got it from someone who had it going 10+yrs. Hard to say really, but it’s a good one.

This makes me happy


absolutely. the smiles on peoples faces when they come into work and show off their bread is amazing!


calzones or as i am calling them pizza tumors.


Those look really good. Jim I need your address, I’m coming over.

I made more pizza tonight with this recipe.

Works really well. I made the dough and it’s been hanging out in the fridge for 3 days, just chillin’
I also froze a batch - will see how that works out.

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Just wanna say, I love that this has become such a thing. Shine on, you gluten eating weirdos!

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We love you too @metal_janet. I will bring you bread some time and then quarantine you for a week.

Edit: also who needs starter? Let me know and I’ll bring some in.

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