Random things that are in the way

I would like to issue all these things a “parking ticket”. Please help find out what these are, who is caring for them, and if they could be moved along please.

#1: Huge metal round shelf

This looks really heavy. Since it’s round it is a rather inefficient use of space. I think it should go (all the stuff that is on it needs to move elsewhere too).

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters


Mobile whiteboards (used mostly for material storage for the last 3 years). I think we should raffle or sell one of these. (Previously)

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#3: TVs leaned up in the aisle

These need to move asap. I suggest we raffle these.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#4: Green metal band saw

Doesn’t seem to be used. I suggest we sell or raffle this. If it belongs to someone they should remove it.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#5 Music keyboard

Whoever this belongs to should remove it. If it is unclaimed in 2 weeks I suggest we raffle it.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#6 Drill press

I don’t think this one is used. We have another one that is in better shape.
I suggest we raffle or sell this.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#7 Router Sled

This looks like a recent project. I don’t quite understand what it’s used for but I would suggest that somebody make a Talk post about it, and find a better home for it.

#8 Vacuum pot

Looks busted. Anybody know whats up? I suggest we raffle/sell/scrap this.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#9 Unused garbage can

I suggest we scrap this.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#10 White plastic shelf

Looks like maybe this is used by the beer makers. I propose this either be raffled or tossed. (If it is deemed worthwhile to keep, I would ask that it be positioned better. Right now it’s in the walkway.)

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#11 Plastic & metal duct

Get rid of this. If unclaimed and still unlabeled in two weeks, toss.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#12 Pile of boxes and stuff

Get rid of this. If unclaimed and still unlabeled in two weeks, toss.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#13 Car stuff, etc.

This is currently parked in the DMZ. If it can’t find a better home then I think it should be dispersed.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

#14 Sink

I didn’t see a name on this. If unclaimed and still unlabeled in two weeks, recycle.

  • Strong agree
  • Weak agree
  • Don’t care
  • Weak disagree
  • Strong disagree
0 voters

That keyboard was in the freecycle pile so if it doesn’t have a name on it you can put it back there for ewaste


I believe the router sled belongs to @Ivan_Erasmus

Also I think the tall drill press is worth keeping for, well, tall things.

Re: Router sled
It does get pulled out occasionally for use. It was last used a week ago to flatten a chess board. Before that another member used it to flatten an end grain cutting board. If i had to guess it gets used every other month from what i have seen. It is pretty big but it can be setup to flatten an entire slab of wood if a member chose to do so. This is something you can’t do with either the CNC or the thickness sander. It usually sits between large project storage and the scrap bin and doesn’t seem to be too in the way when it’s stored properly.

Re: Drill Press
It gets used fairly frequently especially by the metal people in the space. We might have two but i regularly have seen times where both are in use. I think it should stay on the island.


@jennefarious pit that keyboard on the free cycle shelf in case anyone was wanting to use it for a synth project or parts. It for sure can go back

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I believe the TV’s are from amazon and have some electrical issues. I can try fixing one of them this week and if fixed, we can raffle them or donate them forward.


Loving the spring clean vibes, and also @Phillip_Ma thanks for context on a couple of things.

I voted toss on Vacuum Pot but dont know what it would be used for… so also in the spirit “I don’t know what they would be used for” like the giant wood sled thing, if the vacuum pot worked, would it add some functionality?

They look to only be $100-$200 new, and not sure we have other ones?

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Yeah the tvs all have a single bad backlight LED, but since they are wired in series it takes out the whole strip.

Thanks Chad that is a good thought. We have a new one that @Weas3l made happen which was bought with donated funds. So we are good. Also you should cast some resin stuff! Rumor has it there may be a workshop soon.


That old pot absolutely does not work. It was destined for a trash full that was missed. Use Freddy Mercury, the new pot when you want… Just empty it promptly or be alright with others emptying it when they need it


id be interested in the TV in the broken form possibly.

Ditto. I believe there are three or more…

Please don’t get rid of the White Boxes Labeled VHS. These are nitrile gloves for the space usage. They were nicely stacked before. I will find another spot for them if this is not appropriate.


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Ok. @adheesh @KittyCat I’ll be at VHS tomorrow during the day so if you want to work together with me on some TV repairs we can probably get all three of them working.


Sounds good! See you tomorrow :slight_smile:

I cleaned the laser material out of one of the whiteboards to get it ready to exit.

@Metal_Janet and/or @cfmjohn you both voted weak disagree with getting rid of one - do you want to elaborate, or should we go ahead and get rid of it?

@Emerson may have a home for it if we are getting rid of it.

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Could we offer it to sale for the membership first? Those things are expensive. If it’s still good we could maybe get a few bucks for it.


I’m a big fan of sketching out ideas on a board - especially when trying to collaborate with 1-2 other people where a scrap of paper is a bit too small. Or even just to talk myself through a problem on my own. Drawing a quick picture fits the way my brain works.

I thought the boards might be able to fold away for easier storage and be pulled out quickly. If they can’t fold and are taking up a lot of floor space I don’t mind if they are moved on.

Edited to add: re-read the original post. I thought the proposal was to get rid of both. If we keep one I’d be happy - as long as we don’t use it as a long-term notice board where it can’t be used/erased.


We should also still have a white board up in the office which is fully erasable and also very handy for that sort of thing.