Laser Cutter Training

I would like to attend the next laser cutter orientation session. Thanks!

I’d also like to attend the next one! How often do they happen?

I’d love to get trained on this as well. Just commenting so someone can gauge interest level.

I too would love some training on this wonderful machine. Thanks!

Who do we have that is still qualified to do trainings?

Hi guys. We realize there is a lot of interest in laser cutter training. The laser cutter is still out of order but will get a session set up as soon as we fix it. We appreciate your patience.

Logan (on behalf of the LCC)

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See this thread for updates on the laser cutter and any estimates we can give on when it will be operational.

I’m interested :blush:

Aw dammit, I thought there was a new training session.

I would also be interested…


I missed it. (by that much…)

Very motivated to make it to the next one!

Do we need to submit our $30 payment beforehand so organizers can gauge interest?

@Will_Shannon I am running another workshop this Tuesday. Laser cutter training - March 1st

Hi Logan, google now appears to be successfully liked to my account after re-linking it. Thanks for the awesome training session last night!

Could someone please add my laser cutter training to my profile. I attended a training session with Jon. Thanks!

I just checked, you are already added.

Another bump for this topic, I wanted to make a request for another round of laser cutter training. After the training last Thursday (March 17) I spoke with Logan (and another guy, but I didn’t get his name) and they seemed receptive to running a session. I don’t want to put anyone on the spot, I just wanted to get the ball rolling for setting up the training.

There was another new member that was interested, I believe his name was Scott.


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Hey, I’m new to the “Space” and wanted to become certified with the laser cutter. Let me know when the next class would be, would love to get it done in the next week!

I’d like to sign up for next Laser Cutter Training

Please sign me up for the next laser cutter training.

Hey @Beltsander are you a member? There is laser cutting training next Wed and the the following Sat, but are for members only (tool:laser_cutter:training [Vancouver Hack Space])

If you are a member, here is the thread to sign up