Workshop – LED Pixels and E1.31 Control - $35.00

I’m planning to go to the space at some point tonight to pick up a few things, 9ish or so. It would be great for me if you could leave my kit somewhere

@Hekseskudd @captain_semtex - I’ll be at the Space tonight at 8:00 with your kits
@3bien - I’ll leave yours in the drop box…

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For those that picked up their kits today you’ll find complete build guide on this web page:

Few things:

  1. Please let me know if the guide needs tweaking as nobody has actually used it yet.
  2. My web site is having issues and I may end up rebuilding it from scratch this weekend. So if it is down send me a note here and I’ll upload it (though prefer not to as we are always running out of disk space on the Talk site)
  3. If you have any questions at all let me know…
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Sweet, thanks Bob. Got my kit and looking forward to building and operating it!

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I will attempt tohost a Zoom meeting to give the presentation on the scheduled date and time:

Topic: VHS Pixels & E1.31
Time: Mar 25, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

At this point I will limit access to those that signed up (I’ll send you a password closer to the time)…
I’ll send the meeting request out later this week…


Picked up my kit tonight, thank you Bob, and have already built it… and it works!! It was an easy build and took < 1 hour. The build instructions were very clear.

I have a few suggestions for the instructions…

  1. The build instructions and the associated images are out of sync… i.e. each page tells you which components to insert but shows the image for the previous step. You have to look at the next page to get the image for the component described on the previous page. Inserting a page break immediately before “Step #2” will solve the problem.

  2. For the Pixel Strip Connector, in addition to twisting the stripped strands together, maybe also suggest to solder them to improve mechanical strength and remove any possibility of a stray strand shorting the adjacent wire.

  3. In the Device Setup tab of the ESPixelStick, the default Color Order is set to RGB, but my experience of NeoPixel strips is that they use GRB order, as does the supplied strip. I would mention this otherwise when folks try to use the Effects tab they will wonder why their strip does not display the expected colour.

  4. When looking for the IP address of the ESPixelStick, it would be helpful to mention that folks are looking for something like “ESP-xxxxxx”.

  5. I would suggest turning off “Use DHCP” in the Wireless Setup tab. Once the ESPixelStick is connected to your network and you have found the current IP address, most routers have the option to reserve an IP address. You can then set this in the Wireless Setup tab so you always know the IP address of the ESPixelStick and it will never change.

This is going to be a fun project. The Effects and Diagnostics tabs are cool and I notice it also works with MQTT. Looking forward to the workshop.

Kind Regards


Based on Ian’s excellent suggestions I have done a quick edit of the build guide…
Anyone building a kit let me know your thoughts…
You will find the current build guide (VHS ESPixelPOP Guide v3.20.2020.pdf) on this page:


Great! Thanks Bob and Ian. I got my kit as well, will work on it hopefully soon.

Awesome, thanks for the amendments. Looking forward to getting mine assembled.

Also wondering if there are any differences in the WiFi set up with Apple computers and wireless routers? Is it easier to just flash the chip myself with the appropriate WiFi credentials in the sketch?

I have made a few more updates to the build guide so you should download the latest
Go to:

Grab the VHS ESPixelPOPs Guide v3_1.20.2020.pdf file

Check out Step# 10 in the guide
As I have already loaded the firmware onto the ESP-01 modules they will try to connect to my testing AP (PIXELNET / pixelnet). But after about 30 seconds having failed to connect it will revert to AP Fallback Mode and turn into an AP. It will broadcast a SSID called “PixelPOP” that you can connect your laptop to. From there you can connect to the ESP (point your browser to and access the configuration page.

Now you just fill out your own WiFi SSID and PW, reboot and then it should connect to your network.

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For anyone that is interested I will do a Zoom meeting this Sunday (Mar 29 @ 7:00 PM) and go over the slide deck…
For paid participants of the workshop, I will still do the workshop for you in person as soon as physical distancing practices allow for it…

Packetbob is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: VHS - Pixels and E1.31
Time: Mar 29, 2020 07:00 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 306 681 742
Password: VHS

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So just wanted to update that I will be putting on the workshop as soon as it is viable…
I may break it into smaller groups to avoid having 13 people in close quarters…

Let me know if any of you want the kits to at least have somethign to play with…
I think I gave 5 of the 12 kits ordered out already…


Yaya I’ve been waiting on this reeboot

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I’d like to try running the workshop but limit it to perhaps 4 people at once

With the screen and new projector installed in the lounge area it would seem that 4 peoplw could sit there and be reasonably distant (each person at the end of each couch)

I still need to mount a truss of sorts to hang the lighting display which I will try to do this week

I’m thinking of trying to run the first one next Wednesday (Oct 28) if that doesn’t conflict with anything

I just need 4 volunteers that can make it on the 28th


I’d be interested!

hey! I can’t make a workshop but I’d love to pick my kit up or pay ya to mail it to me.

I will be downtown this week so should be able to speed past you and punt it out the window…
I also have that goose for ya…

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Thanks that would be awesome. I’ll be here.

Hi All,

With the resurgence of COVID cases I don’t feel this is the time to start doing in person workshops…
While I can do another group Zoom meeting, I find it very difficult to connect to everyone in a large group over a web conference…

So I propose that I will do the workshop a single person at a time… I think this is the best way to impart the knowledge and get you your monies worth…

If you are interested send me a PM with some dates and timings that will work for you…
For me right now the weekend is pretty open…
I expect the workshop will take about 90 minutes…
If you don’t already have your kit let me know so I can get it to you…
If you have it ready prior to the meetup then we can also troubleshoot any issues you may have with the ESPixlePOPs…

Thanks you for your patience and COVID understanding…


Just got ma kit and plan on making it soon. I’ll likely write it up and stick it on my project site also.