Join me in our first VHS Gallery event!
I’m hosting VHS’s first (annual?) gallery event. Because we can’t all pack into a room VMMF-style, I wanted to host an event where you can show off cool things you make. Given our current COVID requirements, I’m requisitioning the upper room (the one on the right as you enter) as “Gallery Space” for a September gallery.
Great! What should I do?
Something cool! Build something, sew something, program something, and find a way to show it off!
It is fun to share what we make. While we wish we could see everyone in-person as we show things off, this is at least a way for you to share what you’ve done and make someone else’s life a bit better.
How much space can I use, etc? Well, just do it. If your project needs something special, just give me a shout.
I ask that you have your project presented by September 1st, so get going!
Who approved this?
You did, by not saying “no” (but seriously, if someone wants to say no, I’ll consider stopping)
What about some sort of remote event for artist statements and sipping wine/fancy horderves?
Sure, we can do something over zoom. But you have to bring the wine and cheese. We can gather at some point during the month on a call, and one person can show off the items at the space while we all are at home talking it up.
Elevator Pitch
Make something for our VHS Makeshift gallery, put it on display for the month of September, and have fun!
I’m still reading
Great, we might also have a special guest in September. This would be good for that as well.