I’m torn on this, but edging on toss (to your fav. computer recycler).
The thing was a really low resolution projection, and not sharp at all. It has low lumens, which isn’t great for our lighting conditions. If our current one dies, I think the space should acquire one that is equal (or likely better) then even our current one.
My only reason for wanting to keep it, however, is that for many classes, a projector is a critical resource, and if we lose ours (bulb burns, electronics fry, etc), then we are not in a position to hold a class. But in the same token, I doubt that projector would be ready to go with short notice (sub 1-hour) that we would likely find ourselves in that position.
But in reality, how long does it take to diagnose a burnt bulb and set up the new projector? My point is that there will be enough delay if this happens that it is unlikely that you’ll have enough time for the class.
Additionally, the TV is already set up and could be used as a backup; with about the same or better legibility as that projector.
I agree with Mike - the TV is fine as a backup. That projector is ancient and gets really hot. It also has some sort of problem where it constantly has an error light on top of it (or at least it did last time I used it). Just imo - feel free to hack it @Rebel_without_Clause but I do think it should leave the space.