There’s been renewed interest in lathing, milling, and all sorts of machining at VHS, lately. Both in wood and metal! See our instagram for some great examples.
This is great! Let’s put these new found skills to the test!
I am proposing a pen contest between members. This is (in my mind) a great, relatively quick way to reinforce those skills, do some experimenting, and add a little artistic flair. It didn’t necessarily work out for me last time, but I learned a ton that I wouldn’t have figured out any other way.
This thread will serve as an interest-check, general discussion regarding the contest, and an index of other entrants’ logs.
I will be posting my own log soon in the [Projects] category, and will be updating it as I go along, instead of the huge dump I did last time.
There are no restrictions on types of pens or materials. You can use a wood pen kit from Lee Valley and one of our wood lathes, an aluminum tube with tin snips and pliers, a CNC milled aircraft-grade solid titanium billet with an ink cartridge jammed in, or anything in between.
Assuming interest, I will close this contest six months from today (July 12th, 2017). Give or take a week, depending on my schedule at the time. Judging will commence from people who have not entered, details tbd. Prizes, too! Unless someone comes up with something better, it’ll be a neat dev board or something.