Tour Requests from Non-members (or new members!)

hi @OptimusPrimeRib you could come down tonight, we’re having an open house/party, otherwise, you could come by on Tuesday evening or Friday evening, and somebody will be able to give you a tour

Would I be able to get a tour sometime this week after 2 PM? I just signed up yesterday

Hi there! A bit late on the notice (sorry about that…) , but tonight I’m here until 9 pm, and could stay a bit later if it serves!

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Hi there! I’d like to get involved in the hack space.
Wondering if I’d be able to get a tour sometime soon?
I’m a quick walk away and available just about all day everyday this week.


hi @kooli0 I’m here now and will be at the space until 9pm. you can also check our events calendar for open hours and someone can give you a tour then! hope to see you around!

Hi all curious new comers!

Since this thread is now over 1000 comments long, I figure a quick recap of the first couple posts may be helpful.

Vancouver Hackspace is usually open for non members to come down and see what sort of creative juices are flowing EVERY TUESDAY, usually from about 5pm until 10pm. Feel free to drop in and say hi! Someone will be more than happy to give one of our many guided tours and answer questions you might have. Feel free to check out our Events calendar to see whats happening, and to discover other days non members can be filled with maker inspiration.

Of course, you are always more than welcome to ask if any keyholder is available outside of the regular open hours to give a guided tour, in addition to arranging a Tuesday night walking tour! I can’t speak for others, but I sure enjoy introducing curious eyes and minds to the wonders of VHS!


Hi, I am interested in a tour for the sewing/pattern drafting space but also have a question.

My son made me a 3D printed ruler and I don’t have it in Van. He emailed me the file. I don’t really have any interest in learning how that works. If I join can I pay for the materials and compensate someone to do that for me?. I could sew a customized tool belt or organization system? Or just money.

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Hi @Eliza,

I’ll be around on Friday evening from 6 to 9 pm, and I can give you a tour, otherwise Tuesday evenings are our open house and somebody could probably give you a tour then.

If you’d like to make a deal with somebody to do some 3-D printing for you, your best bet is to make a post in the “Commercial Ops” section of this forum.

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Eliza!! You should come in for a tour for sure And regardless because it’s a quick tour And no kidding, a magical place!!

When you know when you’re coming in for your tour, let me know, I‘ll drop by as well because well your “offer” is very interesting to me as I have a lovely customized tool belt thingy that’s many years loved, on its last leg’s and I’d love to at least discuss with you!! (And this may seem silly but it working not falling apart would make my day to day SO MUCH simpler.)

For sure, Metal Janet (who replied just earlier) gives great tours, if the timing works got you, And that tour offer has the benefit of being on Friday — hey that’s TODAY! :slight_smile:

Otherwise pick what works for you, let me know!

P.s. I’d love to see that ruler file? Now or then, but I’m now, sigh, curious! :slight_smile:

If you can’t make Friday, I have open hours on Sunday 1:30 - 5:30, come by any time. (And I can probably print that file for you.)

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When my first published I could see the post right above say it’s open Tuesday. I was just having a hard time getting to the end of the thread.:slightly_smiling_face:

And I am able to make it Friday after 6. I’m just around the corner! So I’ll see people at 6 thank you so much for all the responses.


place is cool :slight_smile:

1100+ comments?! No wonder some new members are having challenges getting info on tours.

I’ve made a brand new thread for this, feel free to comment on the new thread smell, wipe your feet and grab a gymnastics ribbon to wave around!