Tour Requests from Non-members (or new members!)

Hey Phillip,

Next Thursday works for me. Monday or Wednesday after 4pm would be also fine if there is any other opportunity.



The space is open today until 5:30 - if you are looking for a tour come on over. :slight_smile:

Hi! Would love to come check out the space.

I am available Monday to Saturday after 5pm and Sunday all day.

Thank you.

it’s a good weekend to visit the hackspace this weekend. we will be open for tours of the space as part of culture crawl this weekend. stop by today or Friday after 5pm or from 11-6pm on this weekend! some of our members will be in showcasing some of the projects they have made while using the space

Hey guys,

Sorry…I was out of town…

I’ll come in today!

Cheers Alex

Hi there, I’d like to book a tour sometime soon that works, i’m around after 4 weekdays! Would very much appreciate it:)

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Hi @mometty I will be around next Tuesday evening (the 30th) from 6 to 10 pm, and able to give a tour then. If somebody is available earlier, that’s cool too!

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That would be great, thanks so much!

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all right, see you then!

Good Morning, I would like to book a tour! I’m pretty flexible this weekend and next week except for Monday.




I would like to join your vibrant community. For the next several months I am in between jobs, so I am available most days around 1:00 until 6:00. If no host is available, I wouldn’t mind being a keyholder after a month’s time. First, may I have a tour of the makerspace?

May I drop by this coming Wednesday?

@rainier_azucena Let us get back to you. Someone will be in touch.

Btw, the mill & lathe scares me, so I’ll keep a very good distance from them.

Tomorrow then at 12PM?

Hi! I am interested in taking a tour of your facility.

I’m available M-F after 5 PM. Let me know when I can stop by!

If not tomorrow, maybe on Thurs, Dec 1st?

Things I’m trying to learn from VHS:

  • Woodworking
  • Electronics (in particular, learning to use an oscilloscope)
  • Welding

I don’t care much for the rest.

DM’d Timothy_Nguyen and Ninon


Hi! I’m interested to have a tour and sign up. I’ve got a project that I’m trying to 3D print ASAP.
I’m also interested to learn welding and some carpentry, but that can come later :slight_smile:

Any chance someone is available to give me a tour tomorrow in the morning or afternoon? You can reach me at 236 994 8894.

Thanks, Darren

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