Tour Requests from Non-members (or new members!)

Hi there,

Wondering if anyone will be at the space on Thursday who could give a tour. Interested in the metal lathe and mill.


Hi, I’d love to get a tour of the facility. I could do anytime mon-wed after 5pm or anytime on friday if anyone is in and free during then.

Hey, I will be at the hackspace from 7pm to 9 pm on tuesday. would love to give you a tour. Thank you.

Hello, I’d be interested in a tour sometime this week after 6pm if possible. Let me know when someone might be available to set this up please.

I can give a tour tomorrow after 7. just ring the door bell and I will open the door for you.

I am a non-member interested in your soldering facilities.
I am free anytime before 5pm tomorrow or Friday.
Also available before 2pm on Saturday.
I can offer more time slots in the future if none of those work!
Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi, another non member here. Is anyone available to give a tour in the next couple of weeks? I’m usually free evenings after 6pm and on weekends.

I am most interested in the woodworking equipment. I have taken the basic wood lab courses at MakerLabs and gone there a few times but VHS seems like more of a community (and less expensive!)

Eventually I’d be interested in learning metalworking, CNC/laser/3D printing stuff as well.

I was an electronic technician for over 10 years and happy to help people with electronics projects if I can!



Hi @jokingrotten, I’m going to be at the hackspace on Friday between 10am and 2pm (although probably busy 10:30-11), happy to give you a tour if you can swing by.

Hi @3bien, thanks for volunteering!
I’ll meet you there at 11:30!

Hi @ddq Dave,

I’ll be around on Saturday and Sunday afternoons this weekend until about 5, if you’d like to come by.

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Hi @Metal_Janet, if I could meet you there around 4pm on Sunday that would be great. Thanks!

Sounds good @ddq, see you then!

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Hey @Metal_Janet

I’m a non-member looking for a tour. Would I be able to join in with you and Dave today at 4pm?

Also interested in the woodworking area.


Sure @isaac, see you then

Hi - I’m a new member looking for a tour of the facility. I have paid my fees, and am eager to get going right away.

Any chance someone has time to show me around this week?

Mostly just looking to see the woodworking area first.


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Hi @MenBckinnon , and welcome! As a new member, you can come down whenever a keyholding member has opened the space, and you can find a schedule at The next open hours are tomorrow (tuesday) evening, and I think I will probably be around, but I would imagine somebody could give you a tour either way. If you’re planning to stay for more than a quick tour, make sure that you book general space access on Are you on our Slack workspace yet?


Hey there, I just heard about you guys and your space. Very interested in the woodshop. I’d love to book a tour. Is this the place to get that started?
I have availably nights after five during the week, and open availability on the weekends.

Looking forward to chatting with someone.



Hey Jake. I am at the hackspace every Tuesday from 5:30 to 9. But I have laser training this week so I can give you a tour after 7 is that ok with you?

Yes, I think that would work just fine. See you tuesday.


I’m interested in the CNC and some laser engraving work, and would love to see the space and the capabilities it offers.

Please let me know what time can I can drop by?
