Time for new events! / Who wants to run a workshop?

Continuing the discussion from Terriblehack:

As VMMF is coming up and we have been low on regular workshops, as well as not having had a SHHH for a while, VMMF could be a great pivot point in getting more workshops going.

I heard someone was already planning on organizing the next SHHH, but aside from the Terriblehack event, what else is want or what would people want to organize?

I’d suggest replying with single suggestions or requests so that people can like the suggestions and offers and get a grasp of what interests are.

I really want to finally do the modular design workshop I’ve been talking about for a while.

This would be a “soft” workshop.

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I’d be willing to offer a workshop on validating a startup idea, or How to kill it at Startup Weekend.

My team and I won the Global Startup Battle and the Vancouver Startup Weekend in 2014.

If there is enough likes then I’ll consider getting some time together for it - but I’d love a co-organizer on this if there’s anyone else highly experienced in the area.


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