The Old VHS Minutes Thread!

Spent some time working on a cintiq tablet for the space. It needs a pen so if anyone has one that might work with the HD-22 and fancies parting with it for zero dollars or a beer, please let me know. :smiley:

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Also are you new to VHS and wondering what the heck the VHS Minute requirement is for all members?

  1. Give one minute for VHS. When people are at the Space in addition to cleaning up after themselves they are expected to do a minimum of one minute for VHS on things that help us run. Examples include sweeping, taking out garbage, or anything else that helps the Space operate.

More info here: admin:code_of_conduct [Vancouver Hack Space]


Just bumping this for new folks as I mentioned it in another thread. Cheers!

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I donated an illuminated magnifying glass thingy and set it up at the electronics bench…
Feel free to move where ever…
Full disclosure it took less than 1 minute to attach to the work bench and the arm tends to fall down if you bump it…


I managed to repair the old VGA microscope camera. I fabricobbled a new input jack and found a power supply to use with it (the old one was toast)…


I added a new power input jack but had to tape it to the outside of the case. I also added a diode inline to drop the power supply a but as the one I found was a bit over 5V.
Full disclosure I did have a proper lens to test with (and don’t wanna take apart the new HDMI setup) so I can only assume the image is in focus…

Not sure the best place to keep it (handy as a spare ??) so left it on the bed of the new microscope…

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OK… This minute was a bit more self serving… I have always admired various “artish” projects people leave at the space. I made this little pixel based matrix sign using @Jarrett’s WS2811 pixel boards ( YAP - VHS Beacon (Blame @Janet)) and figured it should stay in the space.

It using little power so it can probably stay on always…
Just continually says “Welcome To The VHS” in various pixel colors

I want to do some more light and motion based artworks for the Space…
I can move it if anyone feels it’s not an appropriate spot…


emptied some trash, put random towels into the orange bucket, took out the pop recycling, generally just cleaned up random things that people should have been putting in the garbage.


Emptied out some more trash. Compacted the two big cardboard recycling bins into one.

Next scheduled Revolution Garbage pickup is this coming Tues Dec 3rd so if you see anything that should go out please pack it into the dumpster.


where do we find the garbage/recycling pick up schedule?

Garbage Pickup Schedule is on the Wiki


On Sunday, I tidied up the large collection of monitors on top of the electronic components shelving.


Helped make kits for learn to solder booth.


I cleaned up a bunch of old account settings in our wordpress implementation (runs - but not the forums). If you are a member and would like an account to add to our blog or website please pm me. Thanks!


@dbynoe Pat (@patchwork?) @yeungx @TristanL and I made a light fixture for the paint and mess room.

There are two banks of lights on independent switches just in case you don’t want to wear sunglasses while painting.

Also put in an on/off switch for the fan.

Next projects are going to be putting in a suspended-spray grid, building a ventilated drying cabinet, painting the walls bright white, putting a make-up air filter and window into the door, building shelving along the east wall, and putting in a nice big sink. If you’re interested in helping out, jump on over to the paintandmessroom channel on slack.


Damn that looks so good. I think if we pop a filter on the hole in the wall and we are ready to use. Is that true?


@yeungx Pretty much!

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Not I, but I LIKE it!!!

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Sidewalk is shoveled


Have not been to the space much lately but did throw down this poster for Electric Pancakes yesterday.

If you’re a new member wondering what the heck VHSminutes are check out more deets in our code of conduct. Keep on rockin’!


Haven’t seen one of these in a while, but I know a bunch of people have been working to make VHS better recently, so I’ll start…

Today I pulled a bunch of weeds from the front garden, and re-arranged the extension cords in the kitchen to a more civilized configuration.