The Old VHS Minutes Thread!

dropping off a few new markers. Please don’t take them home and if you accidently do. please bring them back. thanks


Donated a soldering fume extraction fan and some spare filters…
Left it on the soldering desk…

Also a box of alarm wired (4 x 22AWG solid core)
Left it with the existing wire collection

And a heavy duty power bar
Not sure where this will be useful the most so left it in the server dungeon (by the hw tank)

And a 2’ x 6’ anti fatigue (and anti-static) mat… Not sure if this is useful either as most of the space has the soft wood flooring but may be handy in the shop areas if you get sore feet from standing…
Left it rolled up in the shelving under the 3D printers

It was great to be back in the Space again!!!
If none of the above items are deemed usable let me know and I will remove and dispose of…



spent some time while on a zoom all staff meeting today to untangle the rat king we called our earphones supply.


Just bumping the VHS minutes thread! Today I spent my minutes cooking up this:

SMD Soldering Kit Give-A-Way.

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Here’s my minute of the day (cleaned mess in picture below), also come on people, there’s no magical cleaning lady here, the bathroom was a disgrace. Not sure why we have 3 bins in the men’s bathroom, but clearly parallelizing the problem is not working.


Once upon a time, there was one tall “paper only” bin, and a smaller “sanitary” bin beside. I think those got robbed for upstairs.


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The tall bin was taken upstairs for food-contaminated garbage containment, and replaced with the two smaller ones because they’re much easier to empty out without coming in contact with the towels, which are, need I remind you, considered a biohazard under the covid response guidelines.

Also, speaking of biohazards, the period products bin was removed because filling a poorly ventilated container with blood and then leaving it for a few weeks is not a great idea… those little “sanitary products” bins in women’s washrooms actually contain paper baggies so that the filled products can be taken out and put in the the regular trash which is regularly emptied.

So not “robbed”; it was three solutions to three problems.


That’s some of the worst garbage Jenga I’ve ever seen. Thanks for cleaning that @3bien

I salted the sidewalk this morning. Also we’re out of salt. I’ll bring in some more salt. Who is willing to chip in?


Where do you get your salt.
Ice Patrol 44-lb Ice Salt $7

I can get some Saturday, Please let me know. I am only in Vancouver on the weekends.
How many bags?


If everyone brought even one bag that would be amazing. I think Lowe’s is the cheapest I’ve seen so far. Thanks for sharing that. I picked up a 10kg bag from Home depot, but it takes about 10kg to salt the entire sidewalk, so this will only last us until it’s washed away again.

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Let’s salt the sidewalk, then lay down a strip of heavy poly, to keep the salt from washing into the drains (and killing all the things!). If people slip on the snow-covered slip&slidewalk, we can blame it on “Alien forces”. :slight_smile:

Repaired the milling machine drawbar. For those trained users who have not been shown how to five the tooling without hammering on the drawbar, please let me know.


The thickness sander in the woodshop looked like it needed to pee with all its casters bent facing inward and refusing to roll.
I removed the old casters with a hammer and prybar (okay fine, flathead screwdriver) and installed the aluminum bases and casters from the recycled whiteboard stand. More better and it now rolls.


Swept the lobby and the meeting room :slight_smile: The plant isn’t doing too well, maybe someone with a green thumb can take a look at the poor boi :frowning:


Very nice, can someone take a look at the belt? It looks like it’s being driven off the rollers


That reminds me - I spent a few hours on the website -updated the wordpress theme and cleaned up a few things/fixed up the homepage. If anyone wants to make more site improvements, please pm me and I’ll give you access! Cheers.


That’s holdover damage from before I installed the watering things.

Yeung and I, with a little help from Claire, built a new rack for large project storage, including a vertical stock storage section for lumber.


Amazing! Thanks for doing that.