The "Illuminate This" board

I’m in for the build nite. I can bring a partycat.

FWIW the Aluminum board might behave a little differently in the oven wrt to reflow temperature profile. @packetbob might have some insight.


I have no insight (but recommend you try some test runs before doing a group thing)…
However if it helps I can bring my own toaster re-flow oven on the 25th so that you have two ovens to use…


I plan on running a full board test before the night to validate the end-to-end production.

Thanks for the offer, that would be awesome!


I’ll also bring my solder paste dispenser assuming we have compressed air at the space…
Think it even has some solder past in it…


a quick little mounting bracket for the illuminate this board that also works as a difuser mount.
ALuminate this mount.stl (584.0 KB)


I love this design. Thanks Jim! This is just the motivation I need to get back to working on those boards. I have a bunch sitting right here on my desk.

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And if anyone needs the newer version of the board or the stencil, I have extras sitting in my bin, just let me know what you take and I can point you toward the VHS PayPal to settle up :wink:


In #greenthumb on slack a few of us were talking about using these for growlights. I know Steve Roy had some success with that. They’re perfectly sized for sticking to the underneath of a kitchen cabinet.

Yes, I found an old baking pan at Value Village and with nylon stand-offs use it as a light for my seed starting.


@winegummo Great design, I have printed a couple. Thanks


Another iteration. thinking I might make a few for lighting washes around the living room.

Illuminate (599.7 KB)


Wow, So awesome!!!

Now that people are starting to get back into the space, has anyone made one lately? I’m curious how many we have left and if I should order another batch.

Reminder, if you want one, they are in the top of my bin with the stencil. Make sure to donate to VHS (suggested donation is $3-5 per board)


I grabbed a couple boards today. There are still 12 more illuminate this boards in the bin under the electronics area. Winter is coming.


I can make another order, thanks for a heads up.

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I made an adapter to use the m4 holes in the board as a mounting interface to a 1/4 20 (camera tripod) piece. We use that a lot for mounting with Makers Making Change work – as camera tripods / magic arms are a lot more affordable than standard Assisitive Technology mounts.

Two designs here - one for 5/16 chambers - 50 cents each at Home Depot and one for 7/16 chambers (had a few of these on hand).

By luck (or perhaps by @winegummo design), these holes also align with the holes half way along edges of his mount design.


I saw it in a dream that you would be needing those holes one day… :slight_smile:

this is great!. and as they say in the FB pages… STL?


I absolutely LOVE it!

Ooo very nice Chad! Love this design!

AH! put it on Thingiverse but it seems to have eaten it. So linked here:

Illuminate This LightBox3 - 1_4 20 mount - 7 16 barrel.stl (160.0 KB)

Illuminate This LightBox3 - 1_4 20 mount - 5 16 barrel.stl (160.1 KB)


PS, are there any PCB mounting options I should add to a future version?