Taig CNC Mill Training


Added you to the list. Do you have any prospective projects?

right now I’m working on a custom motorcycle gas tank and need to make a flange/bung to mount this style of gas cap

I would most likely go for a 6000-series aluminum. The installed part would look like this:


The part is a bit thin for the lathe, and I think it’s a good simple start for the mill since it only requires 1 setup and is really only 2.5D milling plus some driiling

Hello, When will the next training be?!

I will add you to the list. Do you have any experience with Fusion 360 or any projects you have in mind for the machine?

Hello, yes I have used Fusion 360 to make GCODE before. I have even used this exact machine before, so the training should be more of a refresher! The project I have in mind will require cutting poly-carbonate sheets. I am hoping to mill out some components for a bioreactor for my research project. Thanks!

Right on, can you generate some tool paths in fusion and share the project?

Absolutely, would you like me to share the project on slack? I can also provide you with my SOP for the Taig.


People who still want to get trained.

There is going to be a Fusion 360 night Thursday February 7th. You can learn more about how to use CAM side of fusion and get ready to machine things.


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