Sign's up

Thanks to Janet for helping with the install, Metal Janet for helping with the design and braving the tallest ladder to put the hinge pins in, Davonna for getting it printed at a great price, and everyone who participated in the logo discussion, the peeling of the old vinyl, any the many other threads and discussions that led to us having a sign.

Also, no its not lit yet, for reasons, discuss with the electrical/infrastructure people for what those reasons are. If you have experience with electrical and permits reach out and help.

As discussed previously here:
and here:
And even back here:
Or here:


Looks really great! I grabbed an evo and drove home down venables. From the road - ithe sign is pretty visible/enticing. It made me want to drive that evo right through the front door to sign up right then and there. So yes, highly effective. :smiley:


Even though it wasn’t what I voted for I think it looks good and appreciate the work from those involved.
It will certainly help letting people know what we are about and getting potential new members through the door. Good job everyone!


that looks amazing!!!

Looks awesome! I’ll have to talk to you at some point when it comes time to install the LED lighting modules inside the sign.

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