Piccolo "CNC"

would make a cool group build… smd workshop, laser workshop, assembly workshop, programming workshop…

If people are interested I’ll send off for some pcbs and we can open the new space with a workshop series.


Can sub plywood for the mdf me thinks.


Plywood or acrylic.

These are pretty cool. I might be interested, depending on cost.

Can we clamp it to a table or something so that it could lift a heaver tool and would not lift itself up as it use the tool.

Without clamping it down, I don’t think it is very useful for anything besides drawing with a pen.

Looks like a fun toy
Sure, put me down for one

Definitely interested, I’d love to make one.

I am in for one…

I’m definitely interested, depending on pricing.

Looks like fun! In, pending pricing.

Ok, so I can run the electronics portion but I really can’t take on the whole thing. I’ll send the pcbs off because they take a month and we can see how we go from there.

I forked into our github and did a bunch of pcb fixes. Sent the files off, will take about 4 weeks. 10 boards at $US2.50 per board inc shipping.

Don’t forget to push your changes back into the root project.
So everyone benefits from your expertise

Out of curiosity what did you change?
What kind of bugs did you find in the original design ?

I’m in for one too!

According to the BOM, I’m thinking the overall cost shouldn’t end up more than $60. Less if we’re group-buying parts.

That’s $2.50 each? Any reason to only get 10? I’d be willing to take a couple, actually how about 5. I can think of a whole bunch of different projects to do.

Or is this an beta version, with anticipated re-working of the pcb and subsequent re-printings?

I didn’t find any bugs as such, just suboptimal pcb design. I’m not going to push it upstream because it has our logo on it now :wink:

We can buy the pro-micros on ebay cheaply too (I think I have a bunch anyway).

Dunno, the pcbs are ordered in batches of 10. If I really wanted I might be able to squeeze 20 for $25 but I don’t have the time. You can order more yourself, I use dirtypcbs.com.

I just added my gerbers to github Piccolo/Piccolo_Hardware/Piccolo_pcb_v0.9/Piccolo_pcb_v0.10.0_gerbers.zip at master · vhs/Piccolo · GitHub

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OK, if they are not all accounted for it would be great if I could have one. If there is more interest I don’t mind ordering the next batch, this looks like a great project.

The $7 x 3 servos each could probably be replaced with $2 ones. Maybe some of the laser cut material needs to be redesigned, but it makes a huge difference, price-wise

If we can call them $CA3 each then, by all means (they will be close to this by the time they hit the cc). Current confirmed takers for PCBs are

  1. @TomKeddie
  2. @RandyNW


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Hi, I’d like to confirm my interest in one (1) PCB for the Piccolo workshop!

Me too

Me too