Now Playing at the East Van VODVILLE

Previously at the East Van VODVILLE

Click here for the latest show.

July 2024
Canadian R̶a̶i̶l̶r̶o̶a̶d Animation Trilogy!

Three classics of Canadian Animation, presented for the first time in Tinyscope™

  • First up its the bloodthirsty scourge of Algonquin park, Blackfly directed by Christopher Hinton
    Watch it here.

  • Next, if you ask any girl from the parish around what their favorite short film is, and after they tell you to mind your own business, they will let you know that they are fond of the Log Drivers Waltz directed by John Weldon
    Watch it here.

  • We tried to take it off because at 7 minutes it was too long for our format, but you know how that goes, its The Cat Came Back directed by Cordell Barker
    Watch it here.

  • Also keep your eyes open for a surprise appearance by the elusive Canadian House Hippo!

Visit us today!

  • We are located in the third window from the alley, on the Woodland Drive side of the Vancouver Hack Space.

More information about the East Van Vodville and its construction in this thread.

Finally we’d like to thank the NFB for not sending us a cease and desist letter… yet.