Locker Allocation

Continuing the discussion from the “Member Storage Update: Locker cleanup” thread. Here are the lockers. Two of them have been allocated for VHS general usage and tool storage.

Locker Action
Yellow Craft Locker – 15 ¼” x 15 “ x 72 “ ???
Beige 4 person locker – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ Used for Drop Box, etc
Beige 4 person locker – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ ???
Beige 4 person locker – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ Occupied by @tyisi
Beige 4 person locker (one door painted) – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ ???
Beige 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” ???
Blue 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” Used for tool storage
Blue 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” ???
Blue 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” ???
Grey 4 person locker - 12” x 18” x 72” ???

What shall we do with the remainder?

Okay, I’m assuming by the silence on this thread that we’re happy with the current allocation of lockers and that we’re good to list the remainder on Craigslist:

Locker Action
Beige 4 person locker – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ Occupied by @tyisi
Beige 4 person locker – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ Sell
Beige 4 person locker (one door painted) – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ Sell
Beige 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” Sell
Blue 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” Sell
Blue 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” Sell
Grey 4 person locker - 12” x 18” x 72” Sell
Yellow Craft Locker – 15 ¼” x 15 “ x 72 “ Sell
Beige 4 person locker – 24 ¼ “ x 15 “ x 75 ½ “ Used for Drop Box, etc
Blue 6 person locker – 12” x 18” x 72” Used for tool storage

@mike @Daniel_DeGagne @Majicj @chadleaman @lukecyca @Janet

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I already commented in a different thread. Personally I wanted to keep my locker, but if the majority don’t want lockers for storage then the majority rules.

i would also tag @tdwebste here.

I haven’t heard of that either. But the dating analogy may be a tad of a stretch in this case, and can be taken the wrong way and seen as an attack on one’s character.
Some members have been vocal with their opposition to the removal of lockers, but a lot of that is scattered through out different threads
I’m a fan of the lockers, but there isn’t really a champion for keeping and re-purposing the lockers. Would you be able to take that on, Mark?

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I think some things are being misinterpeted here. VHS voted to get rid of lockers when we voted to move to totes instead at a past QGM. So that was a done decision imo. I see Andrew as trying to carry out this resolution. Lockers leaving happened a long time ago.


The delay between the resolution and the carrying out of this resolution (due to factors like finding/acquiring totes) is causing some troulbe. So naturally some people are thinking this decision has come out of nowhere. Hence everyone’s frustration at this point.

So here’s what I think:

  1. The community has expressed wanting to keep a few lockers
  2. That someone other than Andrew deal with the remaining lockers in terms of managing which ones to keep. Thanks Andrew for handling tote acquisition.
  3. That the folks that want that, handle that, so maybe Steve, Mark, or someone else with an interest in locker keepage?
  4. That this be done in the next two weeks.

Keep on being awesome peeps.


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@Janet @Majicj @wander To steal a phrase from a once popular TV show - “the tribe has spoken”

I’m trying not to be a dick about this but I don’t want to have a locker if I am the only one who wants a locker (or the majority don’t want lockers), that won’t work. I will go to a tote as long as I can have it on the floor vs a higher shelf.
VHS voted to get rid of the lockers at an QGM, so lets get rid of the lockers.

If at a later date members want lockers again then I’ll look at being the “locker champion”
I don’t want this to drag out anymore.



Hi All:

I’ve sent an apology to @wander for my choice of words in my prior post. I’ve also withdrawn my post as it appears to have caused more troubles than I think it is worth.

Carry on making folks!



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I believe the consensus Andrew is looking for regards lockers being kept some for use in places where it would be a better option then what we have now.

As one of the people who supported that idea I’m happy with the results.

I was not adamant in saving some for VHS communal use, only that I considered it a good idea and posted my support to see if others would also agree.

My thoughts on the lockers.

  1. Have we considered whether lockers would be better for chemicals then our chemical cabinet?
    If NO, then
    Lets evaluate this option.
    We have determined that the lockers are not better than the chemical cabinet. So no lockers should kept for this purpose.

  2. Given that we currently have tools that are suited for locker storage. And we will have more tools in the future that need restricted access because of required training for safe usage, or to avoid damage.
    I suggest we set a side another 6 person locker for tool storage even though we currently don’t have sufficent tools to fill it at this time.

My tote observation.

With the current tote storage we have less totes than we had lockers. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Let us figure out a way to increase the number of totes that can be stored. We should be able to figure out a way to have more totes than lockers right??!

Andrew, thx for the reminder post before listing.
We have a lot on our plate, and sometimes getting our attention requires a poke.

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i don’t think that entire post needs to be withdrawn, as there was some good suggestions there regarding the transparency of VHS as an org.
if I may summarize what i remember, your suggestions with regard to selling the lockers are:

  • Have some sort of sign off so that people don’t get the wrong impression that any space infrastructure can be sold for revenue
  • Offer lockers for sale to VHS member list first
  • Post the revenue of the locker sales publicly
  • Deposit the funds to the VHS account via the treasurer ASAP.

Please correct me if I got any of that wrong.


Proof of concept: locker storage of tools instead of the half height rolley-shelf thing

whatever space that is lost in the locker’s inefficient use of space is recouped by the better use of vertical space.

the idea is to sort through the smaller hand tools and figure out which ones are higher value and should be stored in its own cubby hole. and shuffle around the rest of the tools. for that, i need input from people who actually know and use these tools.

p.s. i fully recognise the fact that the locker is not as convenient as the shelf if you want to access tools on the upper shelves from the table side.

p.p.s we have too many boxes for dremmel attachments and not enough functioning dremmel. Time to consolidate some of the boxes?


So does one of the members who voted to sell all the lockers want to step up and get them sold?

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Sounds like there’s a struggle between “we’re an anarchist collective trying to get everyone to agree on everything” and “we’re a mature organization with a process and a vote, learn to deal with it responsibly.”

We haven’t had complete consensus on a single issue since VHS1, when a single member deadlocked an all-members meeting for about 4h in august? That room was hot, the bladders were full, and the tempers short. That member was later forcibly banned from VHS, iirc.

I don’t know why this came up as a “reply”. sorry.

Someone seems to think I’m suggesting @steveroy would, could, or should be banned. Uh, no. I’m merely recounting ancient VHiStory. AFAIK I took no part in any attempt to ban any member. I find the ideal more than a bit repulsive.

What have I done now?

Nothing. Someone is trying to make drama and say I caused it.

Dan I’d be happy to post our private discussion thread about this. I merely suggested you reword something to make it sound less potentially threatening. I also suggested you do it in a way that causes less drama. Instead you are causing more. I suggest you end this line of discussion now.
I certainly won’t be contributing further to it.