Lets rent an empty lot and build a dome for the new hackspace!

As some of you know I have been building a dome at VHS for an art project.

We also have to move the hackspace to a new location and are having problems finding something that suits our needs, in our price range, in the right area.

If we don’t find a suitable building we may want to consider renting a empty lot. (Wait hear me out!) Buildings are desirable commodities that everyone wants with there heating, bathrooms, and four walls. This is why it is so hard to find a good one that is not already taken. They are also expensive and getting more expensive every year.

On the other hand there are lots of empty lots and parking lots all around Vancouver in great locations. They are also cheap, as the owners are happy just to get any rent while waiting for them to be turned in to over price condos. I could see us getting a mid size empty lot with a 4 year lease for less then $500 a month. Maybe even less!

With this empty lot we can build a temporary large geodesic dome structure. Think of it like a smaller science world dome!. We can build it to the size we need, +5000 square feet. We would stamp our own connector plates (Anderson), and use recycled lumber to make the structure to keep costs down. Then we can wrap it in 4mil polly to keep out the weather or if we are feeling rich we could use plywood.


What about power
Well hear is the brilliant part, We can rent a generator and make the space coin operated. So if you are at VHS and you need power for what ever project you are doing. You put some coins in to a meter and the generator starts up and powers the space for a certain amount of time. So you pay for what you actually use. We can get regulate fuel dumps as we consume the fuel. The generator we get could also support 3 phase power and suit our needs instead of us upgrading an existing system.


Where do you poop?
Rending a porta-potties can be expensive, but buying a small outdoor portable toilet with mid range septic tank would be cheaper in the long run. We could buy one for about 1k and it would cost $75 every month or two too get it drained.

Is this legal?
Sure, maybe, I don’t know.
Since its a temporary structure, it might be legal in Vancouver.

What about security?
All the tools and things people can be stolen can be stored in metal cages. When you are using the tool you bring it out in to the main area and use it and put it back when you are done. This also might help with people putting tools back where they belong when they are done with them.

How much do you think it would cost?
The upfront costs would be high but the monthly costs would be much less then we are paying now and probably would pay anywhere else.

Upfront costs:

  • Andersen dome plates plates = $5 each * 200 = $1000
  • Lumber (mostly recycled) $4000
  • Portable toilet = $1000
  • Metal equipment cages, (we could build these) $200 each. = $1000
  • 4mil polly plastic, 100’ rolls are $68 each * 25 = $1700
  • Other stuff = $1300

Total: $10,000

Monthly costs:

  • Lot rental: $500
  • Generator: $500
  • Septic: $75

Total: $1075

We maybe even able to get grants from The Buckminster Fuller Institute to help reduce the upfront costs.

Just think of it, A hackspace in a giant dome! Think of the lighting project we could do on the dome?, Think of it ! We would be the envy of all the other hackspaces around.

This is a joke, Please see Poe’s law for more reference.


Poe or not, it would be a very cool experiment

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I could be a cool experiment,

But I don’t recommend we put all eggs into this basket. We could do this while renting a regular space. This could be good for tools that a regular space may prohibit, such as welding. The alternative for welding if restrictions exist might be a roll out welding shelter into the parking lot.

Build a geodesic dome that is covered with Translucent Welding Shield material. You can see the welding inside with out hurting your eyes???

I like the 6925 Antrim Ave, Burnaby by Royal Oak Skytrain.

Direct commute from our current location is 20mins by skytrain running every 5mins.
Including 5 min walk to location, Which might be shorter if walking through parking lots.

We need photos, member feed back and lease terms for properties. :slight_smile:

This would be awesome, at least one downside I’ve come across:

Vancouver Building Bylaw: http://former.vancouver.ca/blStorage/10908.PDF

This would likely be considered a Temporary Building? Section 1.6.8 defines Temporary Buildings as erected less than 12 consecutive months of the year. Not sure if that means 364 days is valid.

Potentially get around this by “hibernating” for a few weeks, have part of the structure incorporate seacans or something, have the domes connect to seacans in a star like configuration or whatever. And say before the chrismas holidays or even in the summer we take down the dome for a whatever period then renew the permits and rebuild.

All that said, it’d be at the whim of the city to issue permits and they may not be keen on the whole idea.

Humidity in Vancouver is a big problem, especially for precision electronics equipment (and laser optics!).

Typically while building temporary shelters, we’d leave a space heater running 24/7 during the autumn-through-spring seasons.

This is the beauty of having a coin operated power system. You can’t leave the space heaters on 24/7 unless you have a lot of coins. And if someone wants to put the coin down to power the space, the space gets more coins to upgrade its systems.

Sounds like a technical problem that can be solved with a technical solution.

A small industrial dehumidifier are only $500 and can suck about 20L of water out of the air every few hours. We can make a raspberry pi weather sensors with 1-wire sensors, track the humidity and compensate as needed.