Eurorack Modular Synthesizer Update

Just a little update on the status of the space’s modular synth:

In short: it’s starting to get quite usable. There’s been a bunch of recent additions that have really made a difference! Specifically a cable hanger (from @JohnC), patch cables, a new amp and speaker system, and a kick drum and VCA module.

To use:

  1. flip the main power switch (1)
  2. turn the amp on (2)
  3. plug the amp into the mixer’s line output:
  4. plug things into the mixer to hear them, plug things into other things to make them change how they sound.

Current modules from right to left:

  1. HEAR stereo mixer module (GitHub - crowselectromusic/HEAR: 8hp DIY eurorack line and headphone output mixer based on Exits) by me
  2. OVUM for Eurorack module (https://crowselectromusic/ - coming soon) by me
  3. Kilter MS-20 style filter module (GitHub - catrax/kilter: Resonant multimode eurorack filter loosely based on René Schmitz' MS-20 schematic) by @covertneko
  4. Hagiwo VDCO module (GitHub - pansapiens/HAGIWO-Arduino-VDCO: Voltage Controlled Digital Core Multimode Oscillator using Mozzi library on Arduino) built poorly by me.
  5. GMSN! Pure VCA module, with MMTMM panel (GitHub - pixiemars/GMSNPure: Schematics, BOMS and build guides for GMSN pure, incomplete, will add more as I get it. & GitHub - o7-machinehum/MMTMM: Music Makers That Make Music)
  6. MMTMM Bob Bass drum module (GitHub - o7-machinehum/MMTMM: Music Makers That Make Music)
  7. MFOS Weird Sound Generator ( - this one’s not a real eurorack module, but I added a dc-dc converter to make it run off the eurorack power supply, and you can boost the levels up by running it through the VCA module. Repaired by @packetbob and then adapted to eurorack power by me.

Further reading on the backstory of this system: Eurorack (Music Synth) at VHS


This is a super cool project.
I’m looking forward to showing this to my son, so we can play with it.

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