… if I made a lame amateur stop motion animation, would that be allowed content?
Absolutely! We love the idea of putting local content onto this, and I think we’re going to make a special tag for “super local creators” for VHSers and people who live in the neighbourhood.
Laser Moose flipbook when?
I am taking the theatre home for a few days, it’s got an intermittent issue where it glitches out and doesn’t play a video. To add to the weirdness it also disconnects my ssh session when it glitches.
Going to look at adding a couple features when I get that fixed as well.
Got the issues resolved, thanks to everyone in #embedded on slack, and @janet for the command “vcgencmd display_power 0” which is depreciated, but appreciated for me because fortunately I am using an old version of raspbian
The main glitch was a power supply issue so I’ve moved it over to a beefier charger, the above command replaces what I was doing before which was manually toggling the screen power button and praying it didn’t get out of sync (spoiler, it did).
I also increased the button ignore timeout (how long after a button press to pay attention to the next press) which seems to be working much better at not spawning multiple processes.
Uploaded my code so far to github:
Been a bit but some updates:
We got button logging set up onto the space’s grafana/telemetry server! That’s right we can now tell fun things like over the past week how many movies have been watched (132), or how many times toddlers have mashed the button (74 but that’s rate limited to one toddler event every 4 seconds just to make thing’s sporting). A huge thanks to @lukecyca for all the python and server side setup and @packetbob for getting the ethernet at the electronics bench (and elsewhere!) up and running to make that easy.
@Metal_Janet and I are working on a new facade… and its got a marquee, and because every marquee needs chaser lights, Janet built something cool, a whole bunch of neopixels stuck to a big ass aluminum heatsink.
And with the vacuformed plastic and 3d printed details:
We are controlling it all with @lukecyca’s partycat esp neopixel driver board.
Oh and there are more neopixels going into the frame, because you can never have too many. -
As part of the new facade we are going to make the front doors openable because everyone tries pulling on the handles, this was one of the early attempts, gear and rack shapes are from McMaster-Carr (they provide cad files of all their parts, its very useful). This worked okay, but had a tendancy to bind. I am going to redesign it so it slides in a track and has pulleys like the star trek style doors we use all the time at work.
This is part of the new facade, printed out in PETG. I spent some time dialing in the ironing settings for my machine, it still leaves a few marks in areas where it had to start and stop, but the long flat areas came out nice and smooth.
I am making posters for the front of the theatre using clear shrinky dink. Prepped it by sanding it with 220 grit which I find helps it take the marker’s better and gives it a frosted finish, and its still transparent enough to be able to trace off a print out.
It shrinks 3x so you have a bit of room to work with but it’s still pretty small, here are some early attempts when I was still trying to get my hand skills to wake up:
I soon realized I needed a better easel, so I cobbled one together out of pcb vice and a block of aluminum, I also printed some clips to keep the aluminum in the vice (its 12mm thick). Some strategic use of gray’s anatomy got it to the right height.
The vice (and being comfortable) helped me get a lot better with my linework
Here they are installed in the facade (Janet has been killing it with the paint job).
Gosh I love this project
Update on this, we got the new facade up!
We’ll be holding our grand opening next Saturday, November 9th 2024, at 5pm
This was @Metal_Janet’s baby so hopefully she’ll be along when things settle down to share her part of it.
My part was redesigning the doors so they functioned properly. It uhh took a few revisions. I ended up using the shape of 32 pitch gears from mcmaster and printing it with a 0.2 nozzle in petg.
The different colors are different offsets, and it took a bit of tweaking to get it all happy, I also had to carve away the gears on the ends of the racks to get them to open smoother,
After building the doors had a bit too much travel so I put down some scotch tape (to prevent the glue from sticking to the doors) and filled the ends with hot glue to act as rubber end stops.
Other than that I’ve also been busy making mini figures for the audience, see this thread if you want to get involved.
This is a fantastic art project.
How cool.
@Metal_Janet @dbynoe you’re in my news feed already!