[Discussion] 3D printer training and use

Continuing the discussion from 3D printer training and use:

I’d like to keep discussions in this thread and have the other thread just for signups.

Good idea. I’ve modified the other thread to be a wiki and handle requests.

In response to @TomKeddie’s question about the training revenue, I do have access to the VHS Eventbrite account but I was thinking to keep it really simple and just have people drop their donation in the jar or on Paypal (it would be good to have that Donate button a bit more front and centre on the website). This makes it easier for the trainers to just accept a request and get going. So it’s more of a honour system. It also makes it harder to track the revenue. I’m just trying to stay focused on a system which lowers the barriers and gets people trained vs. heavy on the overhead and ends up relying on a few people who have access to Eventbrite. Very open to discussion on this.

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One other item for discussion. We may find that we need a booking system for the 3D printers since jobs can easily 5+ hours. It’s not a real problem that needs solving just now but I would love ideas if it does become a problem. Google calendar (means everyone needs a google account)? Is there a way to handle it on Discourse? Doodle? Any other good open source reservation systems that people know of?

Evenbrite has saved us by retaining a list of who was trained as the trainers came and went. It can be as simple as taking cash and asking people to fill out a free ticket just before the class.

Evenbrite can also be used to track who is in which class.

I was thinking to use a Talk badge for tracking who has been trained. Has the benefit of being more public than Eventbrite. ?? But if you think that’s a less reliable system, I can be swayed.

I like Ashley’s idea of Talk badge for tracking training. It is definitely
more visible to discourse users.

Sorry, I missed that, is a great idea.

I have no idea why this topic got flagged for automatic closure… Oops! Sorry!

Not to throw a wrench/spanner into the works, but what about people not on Talk however? There’s a not-insignificant number of members who aren’t on Talk, let alone the public who attend open nights.

I’ve been waiting for a chance to discuss stuff offline, but there is a mechanism for certifications in our membership software. All members have an account there.

Good point. You don’t need a Talk account to read Talk so I think the training guidelines can continue to live here, but I’ll mirror it on the wiki as well. I see no reason why someone can’t also just send an email request for training and whoever receives the email can add their name to the request list. I’ll update the guidelines to reflect this. People who are not members can get training but their use of the printer will be pretty limited until they become members. But some might just want the training and we benefit from the exposure and the donation.

By all means, add the certification to their member record as well. Double records aren’t a bad thing and it catches people who aren’t on Talk.

Yes! Let’s discuss it on the maili…errr…right.

I had a bit of unoffical training with Luke and another helpful gent a few weeks ago. If I make a donation, could I get a badge (in case anybody asks me while I’m printing)?

Looks like some one has given you a badge. Though we don’t currently track user access to the 3D printers yet. Consider yourself as qualified as the next person :smiley:

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Nice! Sounds good to me!

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I am looking to schedule a training session.

I haven’t been coming in and don’t really know anyone but I’m hoping to change that :grin:

@jeremypoole as mentioned above there isn’t really a requirement to be trained on the 3D printers. I simply got a 45 minute lesson from another member on an ad hoc basis and that was enough to get me started and using the 3D printers. I’ve only been 3D printing for a month now but I feel confident enough to teach you how to use the printers. If you would like to setup a time to get a run through I’d be happy to teach you. Let me know if you would like to setup a time.