Cook Street - looking forward

In helping with our recent pack, move and un-pack I’d have to say we have too much stuff or multiples of
things we have.

Using the HP bench top power supplies as an example I’d like to propose something that will benefit the
space in a couple of ways…

We have stored, packed up, stored, moved and un-packed probably 25+ of these power supplies. We probably need 4 for the space. The remaining should be either:

1 - Sold on Craigslist at “blow out” prices and picked up from the space on a Tuesday open night (and only Tuesday night). This way we get a little cash for the coffers and introduce a potential new member to the space.

2 - Given to a member (if they want one!) if they host an awesome event/talk/workshop at the space. This way we get an event and the member get a reward.

Anyone else have ideas on how we can make better use of the available space?


I would be interested in taking one or two of the supplies if the price is in my means. I would love to give a presentation but I’m not sure I have much to offer other than how I found backdoors in cctv video cameras or figured out how to decompile third party Roku channels. Would there be any interest in that?

There is a standing offer for members to buy them at $50 each. There was a one-per-person limit at first but I believe that has been lifted.

We should probably take stock of what we have and clearly label the ones
for VHS to keep

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How many got sold at $50.00?

I believe the ones we are keeping are marked with "property of vhs" stickers

Maybe in the spring we need to have a Saturday where the public can come in and buy up our unused/surplus items - again we get $$$ for the coffers, purge & gain space and bring potential new members into the space.



I think this is a good idea.

I believe it was expressed before as a “Mad Scientist Garage Sale” prior to
the move when we thought we had time to reduce our storage requirements.


Those power supplies would likely sell better if they were advertised. When
the space is looking a little better in the next week or two, let’s start
putting aside things to get rid of for a garage sale. This could be
publicized a little better.

We’ve already done some work on the books (we could sell these off at, like
25 cents each).
We have the extra power supplies.
Two sheet metal shears, two metal bandsaws, and two arbor presses (one
hydraulic and nice, one to get rid of)

Book post for reference

How about we set up a “for sale” shelf in the main area?

Not redundant tools - these are going to have different blades so they can be used for different materials (one for softer metals, and one for harder steels) without destroying the blades, again.

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They should also be set to different blade speeds to ensure they don’t burn
out, and be labelled well.

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Fair enough. Then the need to be labelled as such, eventually, otherwise
someone else will try to get rid of them. But there are duplicates of other
tools, too.

I’ve donated the black shear and the blue hydraulic press to VHS, but the manual press and brown shear I’d like to take back if we don’t want them anymore. The green bandsaw came with the lathe and mill (not ours to sell or give away, but ours to use as much as we want).

I can pick the shear and the press tomorrow evening.

We could mount the ps’ to the underside of the shelves (above each bench top) so they don’t take up space and are available at every location.

We have a large number of plastic boxes we used to store cables, stuff.

What is the dimensions of those plastic boxes? In the past I build, staking
boxes to hold filing boxes. I will upload the design here. If people like
them I will cheap in time and materials. I am only in Vancouver on

Used staking boxes to create movable walls. Each stacking box made from
plywood would hold 2 plastic boxes side by side. Has a front hinged opening
without ropes allowing it to open level. Giving space to access each box.
The ropes also serve as handles to allow easy carrying of the boxes.

What is the dimensions of those plastic boxes?

Varies a lot - when I was mounting desk shelves, discovered that we have a bunch of subtly different sizes, and many of them are usually filled with items taller than the bin (eg - the soldering stations)

Not clear if we are still selling any of the remaining power supplies @ $50. I can bring $50 tomorrow night to pick one up, otherwise I’ll wait for the garage sale :wink:

I’d love to take two of those power supplies. I can probably do an introductory workshop on Blender again. Though I guess that would have to wait until the space is setup.

We took inventory of everything that was moved right? From that list could we compile a list of things we want to get rid of and just post it on the forums under a ‘for sale’ category?

Depending on what there is I’m sure some people, myself included, wouldn’t mind picking up some of the items. Though I have no idea what is available for taking. I knew VHS was selling power supplies back when we got them from Nokia, but I always thought the excess was already sold off. I would have taken them a long time ago if I knew, but I just wasn’t really in the loop.

Perhaps a members only pre-sale of surplus equipment etc before a public garage sale …
This could raise some $$ and perhaps drive some new memberships…