Brother NS80 Sewing Machine Maintenance - Bobbin Timing

@Janet pointed me to this great sewing machine repair course on YouTube.

Fixing the timing issue looked not too bad so I had a look at the Brother NS 80 sewing machine today to see if I could fix the bobbin thread timing issue.

After taking off the case there’s the machine in all it’s basic glory.

This is the belt that runs the bobbin and presser foot.

I popped this belt off the gears to manually set the bobbin so that it meets the hook at the correct spot and also verifying that the presser foot is in the right place. i.e. down when the needle is down.

Below are links too a few short videos before and after timing as well as a quick sewing demo

Bobbin Thread Timing Off

Bobbin Thread Timing Adjusted to meet needle

Short Sewing Demo

We should get a proper thread spool holder as the one on the machine was not the right type for that machine


Great job fixing the timing!!! That was quite the disassembly process!!! If we can find the exact thread spool holder part online I’m happy to print it.


The following thingiverse looks like a match for the spool holder that should be replaced.

There’s also the purchase on Amazon route too.



@Phillip_Ma has kindly offered to try printing this part in resin for the sewing committee which wil make the part stronger. No guarantees but we’ll report back. If that doesn’t work FDM printing is still a possible option.

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Phil has printed the part for this which is fantastic - thanks!! It’s at the space and likely needs a little light sanding before being installed. Mark has offered to install the part if someone (maybe sewing committee?) can sand it.


Mark has volunteered to do this when he installs the part. Thanks Mark!


I replaced the purple pin with the Resin Printed spool pin that @Phillip_Ma printed for VHS.

Old pin

New spool pin installed

Note that these Spool Thread caps were always the wrong size for the Brother Sewing Machine.
These do not fit this particular pin. Its easy enough to 3D print new caps.


That’s so cool.

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