ATX Breakout board - yet another group project?

I have PCBs for an ATX powersupply breakout coming back soon. I think I have enough parts coming to build all 10. I want two, if anyone else is interested post here and I’ll update this thread when they arrive. PCBs were $USD2.50 each, not sure about the other parts but it will be under $US10 per person. I haven’t ordered resistors, if people need them we can fish them out of the vhs collection.


Once the laser is up we can cut cases.

I’ll take 2 unless there is a huge demand in which I will just take 1…

I’m in.

@TomKeddie Your awesome!
Yes, please I would like 1x board.

I’d be interested

oooooh, very nice, count me in.

Count me in as well for one (1) kit, please!

This looks super useful, I’ll take one please. :slight_smile:

Here are the parts I’ve purchased.

Buttons $US4.75 for 20, not 100% sure these are correct but worth a try.
Connectors $US8.28 for 10
Resettable Fuses $US10.15 for 50
Resistors $US1.00 for 100

I have leds, binding posts - need to look up how much I paid for them (will be minimal).

If there’s still some left, I’ll take a kit too please!

@TomKeddie x 2

Looks like only one for @packetbob

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PCBs are in, am just waiting for the ATX connectors.

BTW I paid $16.00 for 40 of the terminal posts so that’s 40c each or $2 per board. They’re a cheap variety, feel free to skip them and buy something nicer.


So what’s the expected BOM cost now?

Terminals x 5 = $2.00
Buttons x 1 = $0.24
Connectors x 1 = $0.83
Fuses x 5 = $1.02
Leds/Resistors = $0.20
PCB = $2.50

Total = $US5.80 * (29/25) = $CA6.75 each, BARGAIN!
(subject to change if I missed anything).

ps. the pcbs are white because I was in a xmas mood when I ordered them… (and because I like to make it clear when reusing open hardware that we’re not imitating the original).

Thanks Tom, if there are spares, I’ll take 3 kits if there are enough.

All are taken sorry, I will probably re-run and stock the vending machine (price will be higher).

All parts are in, here is my build. The resistor values give very soft indicator leds, you might want to tweak this. Do we need a build night or would people just like the parts?

Build night!

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Actually that was a false positive. I built the proto with 0603 parts but the pcb is for 0805 so I’m short on resistors. Will have to wait a few weeks until I can do a digikey order.

@hjsvhsweb I can give you one kit if you’re prepared to take all black banana posts.

Note that I’m only including 5 posts in each kit - the -5 doesn’t work on most modern p/s and I don’t have enough red posts either.

Tom are you planning to order anymore red posts. eg with your Digikey order
for resistors?