ATX Breakout board - yet another group project?

The posts come from ebay and take a month to come, they will be a lot more expensive from Digikey. You could see if there are some at vhs.

These kits are ready, I’ll try to work out a build night. Does anyone know if we have loctite at vhs, it helps to keep the binding posts in place…

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@TomKeddie - If there is no Loctite at the space I have some at home that I can bring…

Unfortunately I can’t see myself doing a group build of these before Easter. I’ll bring them with me on Thursday night (will be there from 6:30 or so).

@TomKeddie, Are we talking about tomorrow, Thurs. Feb. 12th 2015?

I’ve never done any SMD soldering before, and I’m not a member. if I showed up tomorrow night, would someone be able to let me in, and coach me through the SMD parts? :smile:

Not I sorry, just the kit pickup. I’m doing my 3D printer training.

OK, thanks!

@Arrgh we’ll probably do an SMD night toward the end of March… if you haven’t been able to find someone to give you a hand before then.

Thanks @Janet! I might just give it a shot with Youtube tutorials etc., but I’ll need to buy a temperature-controlled soldering iron first.

Colour code for the resistors is 10k no colour, 3.3k red, 1.2k blue.

@arrgh can you make it down to the space one night? Let me know and I’ll hang out and do SMD work with you. Then you could use the space irons and super-fine solder.

That is AWESOME! Kicking myself for not getting in on this… any chance a straggler can squeeze in on this or did everyone else wisely buy all the bits up? :grin:

@Janet, thanks for the generous offer! I’ll definitely be there in the evening for the next SHHH, not sure about any other times though.

@AndrewTilston I’ve ordered more parts will be putting kits in the vending machine I hope.

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@TomKeddie - If you have a ATX Breakout PCB and parts kit for me I’ll try to pick it up soon. When will you be down at the space again?

@AndrewTilston is welcome to mine. Don’t think I’ll get to it any time soon.

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@packetbob not for some time I expect. I can leave yours in my mailbox if you like.

@ashley …thank you very much!! Do I owe you some money or am I just paying @TomKeddie when I can?
And @TomKeddie, let me know what the best way to pick up the kit/parts from you would be? It sounds like you might not be in the space very much for the next bit.

I haven’t paid for anything yet so it’s between you and Tom.

Am very curious about this, but was wondering what the difference would be to me just buying an extension cord for the power supply and wiring it up with powerpole connectors myself?

Also the specs for amperage for each voltage seem small given what most power supplies claim they can supply, am I missing something?