Anyone want laser cutter training?

If it is in the next two weeks I will be there with bells on.

@gonazar @packetbob I’m happy to run you through either a refresher or a full course but I will do them at different times. The refresher is about 15-20 minutes while the full course is somewhere around 2h. What would you guys prefer?

@chadleaman I am considering Tuesday, May 9th for a full course. Does that work for you?

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I should probably go through the full course again…
You mention Monday May 9th but I think Monday is the 8th,
Either night would work for me…

Haha thanks Bob, in my mind I meant the open night. Oops.

The refresher should be fine for me.

And Tuesday works for me as well.

I’ve created an event: Laser Training - May 9, 2017 and signed you all up to it.

Just moved this to the Issues & Requests section and making it a sticky in that category!

I would be interested whenever the next training session is.

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I’m definitely interested :slight_smile:

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@AlexKennedy I’ve added you to the list based on your thread.

I am considering Monday, May 29th as the next course. In the evening (~6:30pm) @ryanmaclean @AlexKennedy @covertneko would that work for you?

Works for me

Hey Logan, I’d be really interested if there’s space. I’ve used Laser cutters before but want to get familiar with the one in the space.

Hey so this isn’t happening tomorrow due to lack of responses, right? Just want to make sure I don’t miss it if it is.

Hey @covertneko, @hughl87,

At the moment there doesn’t seem to be enough interest. If we can get one more person together then I would be really happy to run a laser training course.

I’m in! Best to pester me on slack these days, pardon the late reply.

I am interested . Greg 604-671-3327

Right on everyone. How does next Monday sound? Monday June 5th?

That works for me


Yeah, I’m a little not used to this forum, so I kinda didn’t see this thread and I had a small heart-attack as I thought training had already been done. But now I see it’s up for June 5th, Yup, I can totally make it!