2015 classes and workshops

“Home automation with the Rasberry PI” Seems pretty interesting. Too bad I can’t think of any thing to teach in return…

Bump, @miststlkr how about a chain mail workshop? It would make great gifts for a certain upcoming gift giving season.

First off, Thank you to @miststlkr, @ninetynein, @garthomite, @Gibbtall, @Jarrett, @laftho (hackathon), @KevMacD, @seanhagen, @Janet, @iMakeRobots, @rsim (secret workshops), @TomKeddie , for running workshops or events at VHS over the last year. Attending workshops is one of my best things about VHS.

Some of the workshops and events I have run this year.

What is stopping YOU from running a workshop at VHS? How can we help you run a workshop?
What workshop would you like to see at VHS?

I would love a deeper understanding of these topics.

OMG yes, I would love to learn more about all things CNC.

How can I help you get this going? Is it a supply problem or a up front cash problem.? How can I help you make this happen at VHS?

There has been huge requests for this over the year. Anything i can do to help you with running this workshop?

This was popular last time you ran it if I remember correctly. Lots of people liked it and it would make a good gift for the upcoming gift giving season.

It sounds like @pesk might help you with the Sewing 101 class too.

Great workshop, simple to run and has a huge appeal to beginners.

I know two people that would sign up for this right now. it could also bring in a whole new crowd of people.

A lot of us are working on projects that we want to one day take to market. I think this could be very valuable. Please yes.

We have talked about this before, It could be a lot of fun. Lets do it!

Sweet, What do you need to run this workshop? Can I help in anyway ?

Thanks for the poke! Since the last time I was actively messing around with my airplane workshop idea I’ve built two Flite Test designs using a bunch of gear from AliExpress but still haven’t flown anything. :confused:

I have a long-neglected cart at AliExpress containing all the electronic bits required for a 10-person workshop, it works out to just under $1k for 10 each of motor+ESC, battery, charger, TX/RX, plus enough XT60 and bullet connectors, and 40 servos. Probably want to toss in another ~$20/person for miscellaneous wires, props, etc.

TBH I could just hit the big ORDER ALL THE THINGS button now, but I’d rather get some expressions of interest from members before I do that.

Edit: Nearly all of the Aliexpress items don’t have any price breaks down at our scale, so we could scale it down to 2-3 attendees without really increasing the price by much at all.

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plus one, with exclamation mark (I previously replied with a simple ‘+1!’,
but got rejected for falling below the 4 letter minimum…)

I missed the grape peeling event!

I have been giving serious thought to putting on the yarn swift workshop. I have to check my supplies (and my calendar) before I advertise it.

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i’d be in for the airplane workshop…

I suggest starting a new thread about this, Using https://www.picatic.com or some other method to collect money upfront. There is no reason that you should have to foot the bill for this project before hand. Or if you don’t want to foot the bill at all just post the bill of materials and get other people to buy their own parts.

I am also interested in this workshop too.

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I would like to run more wooden pen making workshops but the hackspace simply doesn’t have the space or resources to do this properly. However, I’m talking with MakerLab to run a few workshops there before Christmas.