2015 classes and workshops

I could host a discussion on Design for Manufacturability. I say discussion
rather than a course, as I’m a machinist for 23 years with some design
experience. Have have seen more than a few things that could not be
manufactured by traditional means. People come with questions or ideas,
and we can bounce them around.

This could almost be tied into a Solidworks, Google Sketchup course.


I still want to host my workshop on Modular Design!

And also a life/productivity hacking night!


It is located at 1715 Cook st, #104
We will have our regular tuesday night meeting this week but the space will not be ready for anything until february probably.

Classes that other people have requested.

  • Networking Arduinos over I2C
  • Network connected Weather station
  • Welding

Another person asked for a tutorial on Git and Gihub.
If someone feels comfortable running this one it would help a bunch of people.


Welding would be an interesting class to have in the space. I would help with this if you had someone to run it. I spent some time welding but that was over 15 years ago. Too much time to feel comfortable teaching someone else. What type of welding would people feel safe happening in the space? It can be done safely with welding curtains and blankets. It will likely also require additional and potentially expendable fire extinguishers.
There may be ventilation requirements as well.

I also think welding would be great, but…

Here is what other hackspaces have done.

Site3 in toronto created a welding room, with extra ventilation. If we are
going to have welding. It needs a champion and a dedicated place, without
flammable materials and with good ventilation.

The current space has wooden walls and floors.I don’t think its possible to do a welding class in the space unfortunately.

We have a plethora of fire extinguishers and sprinklers at the space.

In the loading bay may be a possibility.

Or in the summer, in the empty lot across the street (unless we get chased

Site3 for many years had a welding tent they setup outside on a parking

Regarding Git, issues 27, 28 and 29 of The MagPi have a very accessible Git tutorial. Could be used as the basis for a live event? www.themagpi.com.


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I could talk to my business partner to sew if we could host the welding
workshop. We have 220 and three phase depending on the welders brought out.


I read that as that we were tracking the classes as Git issues… FML

I have run the Laser cutting maps, and Stencil making workshop.

The next one will be either wheat pasting or reading sensors with an Arduino (For the DIY Bio people)

What workshops can you run?
What workshops do you want to see at VHS?

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I would love to see a workshop for KiCad, lots of interest for it just need someone to host.

If we can’t find someone to actually host then perhaps a night where we all run through some tutorials together and help each other out.


I am still working on blowing Lego Astronaut model up to 2’ tall so we can
do a group build papercraft day, but that will be in the near-ish future.

After that I’ll be doing a chainmaille jewelry series


I’ll run a light painting night on the 26th.


I will run a thought screen helmet workshop later this year if there is any interest. This location in general seems a lot better for block signals than the Bunker was, though.

@Logan_Buchy needs one to protect him from @iMakeRobots


If I overcome my latest sickness and get the board designs finished soon, I’ll run an APC kit build similar to the one I did at 45 West for the Vancouver New Music festival. These are cool little sound generators that are named after the 8 bit glory of the Atari consoles. Suitable for beginners. Typically, these are housed in an Altoids tin, but you can get very creative and have a lot of fun with the cases.

IF that goes well, I may at some point run a more complicated Ibanez Tube Screamer kit build very similar to this one on Instructables. I already have the boards and the majority of the electronic parts. I’m going to do a test build first, then I’ll set something up. This would likely be a multi-session build. The Tube Screamer is a guitar effect pedal, similar to an overdrive pedal.


I have been asking new and old people what they would like to see as a workshop at VHS. Its a great question to ask new people when they enter.

  • Intro to different types of databases advantages and disadvantages of each, where you would use them, etc…

  • Growing plants indoors, lights, food, what can you grow.

  • Robot platform, 4 wheels and a few sensors.

  • More Arduino workshops

  • Making Guitar pedals

  • Scratch

  • Origami

  • Advance Laser cutting tutorials

  • Solid works, or other CAD programs.