Woodshop Material Storage Cleanup -

I was looking for some material to make some picture frames today in the wood storage area. It seemed somewhat unorganized so I pulled out everything, sorted, vacuumed the DMZ around the material shelf, coiled the extension cords.

There are some pieces named and undated, unnamed and undated. I’ll tag folks as best as I can.

Most of the unnamed undated, named and old dated or no dated stuff is in the middle rack.

Please claim your wood if you want them otherwise they are as of now considered part of the Communal wood pile.

Named out of date, improperly dated
@ash Is this yours?

@Joey_Staunton From October? Can you remove if you’re not planning to use it?

Is this June of this year? Please add the year to your labels or remove if you’re not planning to use it.

@sizov This piece is from 2021. Are you planning to use it? Can you store it somewhere else if you’re not

Another piece from June. I month is the storage limit.

@Will1 You have two pieces. No date. Can you remove or date your pieces.

@Jon There are a few Jon’s. These are dated from 2021. Do you want to claim these and take them home or send to communal pile?

@Curtis These are two big heavy pieces dated Oct 14 with no year. Can you take these home?

@BT123 This is from 2021. Can this go to free pile?

@Logan_Buchy Are you still around? Can this go to free pile?

No Name No Date
This is pressure treated wood and full of metal hardware.

Various pieces. I used 3 of these 1x3 today. There were no markings/tape with name or dates anywhere

Looks like somebodys project. Hardwood

Another peice of hardwood. Piece of Blue tape but no name date anywhere

Small walnut scraps.


Many thanks for the heads up @Majicj! I couldn’t find half of that last time I cleared out my excess, it must have been pretty buried. I’ll come by and take care of it this week


There are a few Jon’s. These are dated from 2021. Do you want to claim these and take them home or send to communal pile?

if I have stuff dated years ago there, it’s definitely available to others.


Thanks for the heads up, can send my piece to free pile.

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For my sins, Ill be there in about a week’s time and will grab the wood!

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