Wood finishing presentation (happened yesterday at Tradeworks)

Hi All,

Me and Steve went to the Woodworkers Guild meetup for a presentation on wood finishes by Mohawk. Mohawk is a local company thats a little like Lee Valley Tools, but smaller.

They have a bewildering selection of finishes. They say they have the best Tung oil and some seriously good stains. The presenter seemed very knowledgeable with lots of tips and tricks of the trade,

I picked up two paper-based catalogues that I will drop off at the Space soon.

Additionally I have also some aniline water-based wood dye in Red Mahogany in both liquid form and powder that I would like to donate to the Space and will put them in the chemical cabinet. Is that okÉ.



I’m very curious on how the powder works. Mix it with something first?

Yes, the liquid form comes from the powder. It is better to use it from the jar first, since I already made it up.

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