Wiki Permission Denied Error page

Yo, just clicked one a link to our wiki and it gave me a permission denied page.

Specifically this URL: start [Vancouver Hack Space]

and this is the response “No ACL setup yet! Denying access to everyone.” and further down the page “Permission Denied
Sorry, you don’t have enough rights to continue. Perhaps you forgot to login?”

Is there something fucked up with our dokuwiki?

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Just fixed it! Someone independently emailed me about it.

Dunno why now all of a sudden or if it’s been that way for awhile

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I mentioned in another thread I got the same error a few days ago. It was fixed and was working for me on Thursday I think and now I am getting the same issue. The bugfix does not seem to be sticking.

@garthomite, @funvill, has the server been restarted today? Could it be nginx weirdness that is cause changes to not stay? I don’t know specifically how dokuwiki stores configs, but I suspect it does it all in flat files, which nginx may not like.

Yes, dokuwiki uses flat files.

Dockers are supported by @garthomite

I got the error yesterday but retried, logged in and it worked. Maybe I just happened to time it right with @Jarrett’s fix?

I fixed it when William bumped this thread a little while ago, and I think
it was yesterday that I fixed it, too. And then before that, December 28th

Oh, broke again.

Not dealing with this right now.