7 - 9:30pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
I’m very excited to open the space and host a meeting of the Pacific Woodworkers Guild. I encourage everyone to join me to learn more about the guild and woodworking. I also hope to see some new visitors to the space who are interested in woodworking!
First guild meeting is free, subsequent meetings are $5 for folks who are not guild members or VHS members.
**Note: this event will use the main table area and also possibly the woodshop.
All skill levels are very welcome!
General Meeting Format
Introduce yourself and woodworking level and interests.
Main Event
Main Event 7-8 pm - Steve Hansen will present on Wood finishes and why we choose them, followed by a short talk on wood buying and storage.
Club Business
A short section to take care of any club business.
Show and Tell
Bring a recently completed project, a work in progress or a project you’re having trouble completing. if it’s too big then bring photos. Tell us a bit about your project such as what inspired it, the wood and tools you used, the finish, any challenges you encountered and what you did to solve them.
Q and A
Are you working on a project and would like some advice on any aspect of it? Have you hit a snag and need advice? Maybe you are in the planning stages and have questions?
Wood Identification Challenge
Bring a piece of wood and members will do their best to identify what it is.