Announcing a v2 of last year’s project of the same name!
Here’s some pics of v1:
Here’s a rough model of v2:
This is my most ambitious project by a huge margin. v1 had 2,900 LEDs, six arcade buttons, hung from a slackline, and plugged into a socket. v2 has over 22,000 LEDs, six separate interaction stations with sensors/speakers/lights, a free-standing metal structure, and runs on solar power.
I am currently waiting on a Burning Man Honoraria grant application and the project will only go forward if I am selected; I will find out sometime in March. Considering however that I would then need to complete the project by the end of July (for beta testing at What If, before heading to Burning Man a few weeks later), I cannot waste any time! Which brings me to…
Community, I need your help! Later this month I would like to host a brainstorming session at VHS (pizza and beer
provided!) where I can introduce the project and gather some feedback on which ideas are good, bad, and ugly. If you are interested, please reply on thread or DM me and I will be sure to keep you in the loop about this session. All are welcome, all levels of knowledge, skills, or even just curiosity are valued!
Zero pressure, but some folks that come to mind that I want to make sure see this: @Metal_Janet, @dbynoe, @Ivan_Erasmus, @Emerson, @packetbob, @AndroidLx, @morleykert1
If this thing gets built, it will definitely get exhibited in the city for all to see so I hope that gets to happen! Stay tuned…