Visualise my DNA with 23AndMe

A few years ago I signed up for a service called (Note: The referal code) It was neat, After I signed up, they sent me a quetip and a jar that I spit in to and mailed back to them, a month or two later they sent me the results. I played around with it for a few weeks before moving on to the next fascination. They also give you the option to download a picture of your DNA, one of the main reasons that I got the service. Yes I am that vain that I want a picture of my own DNA to hang on the wall!.

They just added a feature that allows you to download your RAW DNA as text file consists of lines of my genotype call data (your A’s, T’s, C’s and G’s). The file is huge!

I am wondering if you can think of any creative ways to visualize this data?

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Beautiful! Is that visual a comparison of the percentage of base pairs? Love you have the data. If its totally raw I imagine there are some sequences in there that are instructive to your cellular machinery. It would be cool to visualize how much of your DNA is proprietary funvill software and how much is just human operating system...

OMG. That’s pretty awesome. Maybe a wire some LEDs up, assign them the
different letters of DNA, and as you go through the DNA have the
appropriate lights light up? Or maybe assign them tones?

Or make a wheeled robot, and have each letter be a direction. Then have
it travel a set amount for each letter – see where it ends up after
reading your DNA!

Or maybe just get a code library that’s good with dealing with genetic
data ( Perl’s got a good one – Perl’s strength is dealing with raw text
) and see if you can find the markers for any weird genetic stuff?

To further this idea, build a double helix with RGB LEDs embedded and cycle through sections of the code using colors to denote a given nucleotide

Put it up on GitHub

There was a TED talk at TedxVancouver about a pair that turned it into music... was quite interesting...

Nope, that shit is private.
I would feel so nude.

I have already been playing around with this, it sounds like noise to me but I am not a music guy

VHS has a member that has made a dodecahedron double helix


I am not sure what that image is, Its what I found when google searching for “ART DNA”

one of these with RGBs


Just a thought on scale, the total length of the human genome is over 3 billion base pairs according to wikipedia.

If you showed one base pair every second, that would be 95.0663 years of time.

If you plotted each base pair and it only took up 1 millimetre of space, that’s 3000 kilometres.

Whoah, I obviously haven’t been paying attention to their emails as I didn’t
know this.

Not sure how to do this but I’d love to be able to convert my dna codes to

This is the service that has been getting a lot of press lately for breaking up families.

You can mark a checkbox if you want it to tell you about any relatives that you didn’t know about,

Turns out, a fair number of people have scandalous half-siblings walking around.

I would use it for input as music probably. Imagine a DNA tenori type of thing…!

Funvill did you get any useful health info out of your data?

I’d be throwing the human genome project at it and seeing what interesting (or terrifying) things crop up.


Here is some example code/dna

# rsid     chromosome   position    genotype
rs4477212       1       82154       AA
rs3094315       1       752566      AG
rs3131972	1	752721	    AG
rs12124819	1	776546	    AG
rs11240777	1	798959	    AG
rs6681049	1	800007	    CC
rs4970383	1	838555	    AC
rs4475691	1	846808	    CT
rs7537756	1	854250	    AG
rs13302982	1	861808	    GG
rs1110052	1	873558	    GT
rs2272756	1	882033	    AG
rs3748597	1	888659	    CC
rs13303106	1	891945	    AA
rs28415373	1	893981	    CC
rs13303010	1	894573	    AG
rs6696281	1	903104	    CT
rs28391282	1	904165	    GG
rs2340592	1	910935	    GG
rs13303118	1	918384	    GG
rs6665000	1	924898	    AA
rs2341362	1	927309	    CC
rs9777703	1	928836	    TT
rs1891910	1	932457	    AA
rs9697457	1	934345	    GG
rs35940137	1	940203	    GG
rs3128117	1	944564	    CC

I was writing up blog posts on my past projects and I realized that I never posted the results of this project.

Source code can be found on my github page


Stacked Bar Stretched

Stacked Bar


Playing around with this project tonight and made this one


The data you’ve posted isnt really raw sequence data. Its a list of important single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP’s). The coordinates are chromosome number, position and then two letters. The two letters are because you have two versions of each chromosome. You could certainly get your whole genome sequenced, but it would cost $1000 and give much more data.

It’s only $1000 for a full sequencing?
And I could in theory put it somewhere, and somebody in the future might clone me?
That’s amazing.