I will have a white van (Free Candy!) at the Hack Space Friday June the 9th at 11 am (MakerFaire setup day) for the purpose of transporting gear to MakerFaire.
We will be taking the video wall, some tables, 3D printers.
There will be room for additional gear - if you want it taken to MakerFaire, please have it packed neatly in stack-able bins (Not overflowing) and clearly labeled that its to be taken to the PNE. Stack it by the craft table.
That being said, I am not a mover so I will not be moving lots of stuff or anything heavy, so if there is LOTS of stuff or big heavy things, then we will need a few people handy at both ends. 11 at Hack Space, Maybe 1 pm at MakerFaire
Anything I can’t handle will be left behind - sorry!!
On Sunday I will make the reverse journey back to the space - same rules apply - will need some hands to move and put things away after the faire.
Let me know if you have any questions