VHS LED wall

Thanks to Andrew, the VHS LED wall is getting on it’s feet again. Yaay!

For those of you who joined after January, the VHS LED wall is a 768 Wall of LEDs in a familiar 4x3 form factor. Basically it’s a giant low res TV screen.

GitHub - vhs/VHS-LEDWall2 is the github project that should store all the code and instructions for connecting to the RPI. you can grab it at home to read at your leisure, or come into the space, connect to the Rasberry Pi, and start tweaking the lights. Don’t forget to commit your changes :slight_smile:

I showed the picture on FB last night and @johnbiehler mentioned Glediator, an app that helps with animating LEDs. If the wall firmware can interface then anyone can draw patterns and create animations.

I’m a big fan of doing something similar with VLC (videolan). In theory an Output Plugin from VLC could send a whole movie to the LED wall. I’m pretty sure this one would be a big hit on Hackaday.

If you’re interested in either of these projects, please make friends with Andrew.

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@wander, @iMakeRobots, how is this looking for the Maker Faire? I saw that someone had built a frame for the LEDs in a 4x3 matrix. Are we trying to do the video wall, or the Twitter integration, and is help needed in getting it working?

Wall is not currently working, please see:

Nevermind, it seems it’s been fixed up.