VHS approved uline bin group buy

I’m looking for at least two other hoopy froods who bin wanting to store their towels in the approved bins to try and get the member storage more in line with what is suggested. Anybody want to go in on a bin? Still works out to 38 bux a bin, next price break is 12, for $32 a bin.

Bin putting off storing your stuff at the space, or just bin waiting for a suggest of group bin buying? I’ve bin bit by the bin bug, and can no longer hold off.


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Last call for any interested bin seekers to get in on colourful correct sized bins! I’m purchasing them friday


I’ll bump this in slack announcements. Also thanks for doing an order.

sign me up!

Got a colour preference? Green/blue/red/yellow/grey

yellow :slight_smile:

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Put me down for one if its not too late!

Do you have a colour preference? Red/blue/green/yellow/grey are available

Oh if there’s still time can I get in on this? A blue one sounds fun!

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Green plesse!

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I’m going to wait until Friday to go buy bins, so there IS still time to choose a colour and let me know. Once they are ordered I’ll let everyone know the costs, but the online price is $32.99 per. I’m hoping to get a large order discount, so I’m not sure if the online price is accurate or not :slight_smile:

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Thanks for organizing this!

Thanks for sorting this - count me in for a green one please!

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Final call for bin orders! Anyone who has contacted me for a bin will get a DM with instructions and info, Anyone who hasn’t contacted me but bin thinking of bins totes should b in touch with me ASAP!!



Order has been placed! I’ll be in touch with those who made their bin desires known, and messages will be sent in a bit!

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