VHS and finance: A presentation movie.:

Hi I am thinking a lot about shifting the space finance over from Membership fees towards
sponsoring and sales
A movie about the hack-space as a presentation of core values and happenings would be a great start, I think.
Is this a project that anybody else would consider going into ?

From our FAQ:

[Q] How does VHS pay the rent?
[A] VHS pays its rent and utility bills via membership dues only. No grants, donations, sponsorship, etc. We use donated money for extras for the space.

Not saying that can’t be changed, but this would require us to rethink what VHS is in it’s entirety.

What exactly are you proposing? I’m not sure what you mean about a movie.

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will answer u asap…

This is not so much about the space rent as it is about getting money for developing different maker projects, equipment furniture, or maybe even to sponsor membership fees in other spaces for some underfinanced but possibly talented hackspace users.
The movie:
I want to make a 1-two minutes long web movie for presentation of the space and maybe some members private thoughts about its possibilities. history and current happenings.

Maybe we first need to have a discussion about what the space IS intended for or what we want it to be?
Should it primarily be a garage for community members without one or should it be something more than that?
Could the hack space work as an efficient incubator for new business startups?
Is that desirable ( in what way?)
Could the space be used in order to bring forth benevolent and supress malevolent technological solltions? Is this something we would want? If the hackspace could be made to work as a direct source for community growth and wealth induction, then I would consider spending a lot of my time with forming a prototype that could be implemented in other communities or neighbourhoods.

I’m feeling poetic today:

Your post asks questions /
But prompts other inqueries /

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In order for me to make a video presentation (some kind of narration and screenplay, It is good for me to know what thoughts people in the space have about it and hopes for the future. Are there any or is VHS just a garage for people in the community without garages?

Soounds like he means we need a FAB-LAB in this city.

Does MIT have anything to to with the Vancouver hack space or this topic?