The VHS entry for Better Homes and Gardens 2023

OK Better Homes and Gardens might be a stretch. :slight_smile:

@SteveRoy brought his lawnmower and weed whacker down to VHS today. We spent a couple of hours beating back the forest outside VHS.


Steve whacking the edges

After Two passes with lawn mower and one with the weed whacker.

First mower pass at height 6. Then raked with another mower pass at height 4.

Sidewalk debris was blown off with air.

Steve trimmed the Rose bushes but otherwise we did not touch the wild garden at the front which is looking pretty nice.

Looking much better now!

Reminder to all members. VHS is run by us. There’s no paid staff. If you see something that needs to be done please do it! Everyone will appreciate it.


This looks great.

I appreciate the efforts of Steve and you in contributing to the Space’s positive impact on the community.