Temp location for my DSA/DOS

So, I bought my Rigol DS2000 series oscilloscope, and Rigol 1.3ghz spectrum analyser with me. I currently dont have a place to work yet - would anyone be interested in me housing these at VHS for a month or two?

I also have a bridge for the DSA915 which allows you to test/tune antennas.

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Welcome to Canuckistan!

I think a loan of these would be most awesome - while we have similar equipment, nice modern versions would be great for people to try out & see how they differ, the capabilities, etc.

Equipment loans are a somewhat sticky point for many members however, as it does often mean people won’t be comfortable using equipment in the space as it’s not theirs/VHS’s and what if they mis-use it and cause damage to someone’s personal property.

Maybe they can be the subject of for your first workshops at VHS (muahaha see what I did there) - how to use a DSO and SA! Simple requirement to use them, you have to attend a workshop first. Win-win?

Those are great tools that would be an asset to VHS, for sure.

We’re currently trying to figure out how to deal with donations / loans of
that sort. In a relaxed way, with no sense of urgency.

A bunch of us started this, with the intention of having a sort of
“contract” on how particular tools work. No legal force behind them, just
clarifications to prevent misunderstandings breeding ill will:

Also see here:

So yes, I would love to have them in the space, as would a bunch of people.
But I would give it a reasonably high probability of some of the probes
getting slightly damaged :frowning:
Some members don’t realise how delicate they are, and I see them mistreated
all the time.

To prevent damage, I suggest clearly marked training required.

There are many people with the skills required to properly use a scope. I
suggest we start collected names verify their availability to train.

Gladly order/donate a set of “low cost” probes for space usage. What is the
model number of the scope. If someone does not beat me too it, I will place
an order tonight. But it will take probably 4weeks to arrive via cheap


I found a great video tutorial on 1X vs 10X probes, but I couldn’t find one on “why oscilloscope probes do not make good center punches.” Maybe someone else knows of one?

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Its a Rigol DS2102 100MHz, 2Gs/S, 2-Ch, 8" color LCD

If its going to get damaged there is not much chance of me bringing it in, I can’t afford to replace this or the DSA815TG and I need it for work - cost me enough to bring it all the way here! (we had $750 of excess baggage hahaha)

I would trust the machine itself in VHS’s hands, if you want to loan it to us sans-probes :smile:

We have some bargain-basements ones that will work.