That entire document seems to address the context of strategic “mergers” or partnerships, where organizations are contractually engaged on the organizational level. For BC the topic of Amalgamation also comes up.
Acquired liability seems to be related to the impact of a transaction.
As @Majicj mentioned, in the case of VHS and PWWG, the liability is specifically limited by the fact that outside of keeping the event on the calendar, VHS has no real commitments (VHS keyholders are required for every meeting).
VECTOR would simply be a group visiting a location that requires a liability waiver. Just as any other location with dangerous/hazardous tools.
If acquired liability becomes a concern, then we’ll need to have a completely different conversation, because this would be beyond the scope of merely hosting meetings (which is the baseline arrangement we’ve had with PWWG).
IMO (not an official board position) we don’t need a formal partnership, as long as there’s broad consensus among the membership that this is a good thing, and at least one existing keyholder (ideally more!) will bottom-line the meetings and take responsibility to ensure compliance with COVID guidelines.
Imo if there is internal interest in this at vhs then it should be a QGM proposal brought forward by a VHS member who is willing to champion this, onboard this group, and also let this group in the space on their meetings night. That is of course, if anyone has interest in doing this, and also pending voting yay/nay by the membership. This is a non-trivial decision about space and tool use by people who are not vhs members, so it should be properly defined/vetted and voted on by the membership through the usual QGM process.
I like the security that a liaison and QGM support give. I am confused about whether to ask all the VHS ARC to liaise with us or to ask a specific person, or to ask someone who’s a member of both VECTOR and VHS.
What follows describes how big this is currently.
A small group of 3 to 8 people are working on assembling or repairing equipment. This team wishes for a dedicated workshop. Part of that team wish to come into the VHS space to connect with the VHS ARC or to get work done. (Our meetings and courses use official City rooms. I did take the question about meeting size too literally in my answers before. )
Also, since VECTOR is a mission-centred organization, some VECTOR members are looking for a Vancouver-based radio club atmosphere to connect with.